ElijahForce ElijahForce

Wednesday 13 March 2013


home beauty products
We spend a lot of money on beauty products,  We could save a bit of money and time on beauty products if we just stopped and looked into the refrigerator for natural beauty treatments that will bring out the best in us.
1.PEAR: Rich in vitamins and enzymes, the pear nourishes the body inside and out. The peel especially is the source of essential beatifying oils. Therefore, you can rub the peel on your skin. Just massage your face with the inside of the peel and leave on for 15 minutes. You can also rest for 20 minutes with the slices under your eyes to relieve puffiness. You can also rub mashed pear into your skin and rinse after 15 minutes.
home beauty products
home beauty products2.BANANA: The banana is rich in potassium and a great moisturizer for your hair and skin. You can use it alone by mashing the banana and rubbing on your face, neck and hair. Your other option is to add oatmeal to the banana to make an  ex-foliating mask or honey for additional softness.If you can't afford to use the flesh, you can simply rub the peels on your face, it would have the same effect.

3.OLIVE OIL: For cuticles and nails, you can soak in it or massage into the cuticles. Use it as a nighttime hand moisturizer under gloves. Dab it on your lips to soften and moisturize. Use it on hair to repair split ends, heal dandruff and make it shiny. Put a few drops of olive oil in the bathtub to moisturize skin. Some people prefer to add essential oils to olive oil to mask the smell.
4.EGG YOLK: Egg yolk mask can be used to replenish and tighten skin. Just beat one egg yolk and apply to skin with cotton ball. Rinse your skin after 15 minutes. 
home beauty products
5.HONEY: Honey is used for oily or blemished skin. Apply it straight from the bottle to your face and neck. Leave it on for 15 minutes and rinse with very warm water. Honey can also be mixed with many other natural ingredients to make and effective mask.
home beauty products6.PAWPAW: Pawpaw can be used to remove dead flaky skin. The enzymes in pawpaw help to dissolve dead and damaged skin cells revealing healthy skin. Mash ½ pawpaw and apply it to the face. Rinse after 10 minutes.
home beauty products7.STRAWBERRIES: Strawberries should be smashed and used as toothpaste to whiten teeth. It is also used to relieve puffy eyes and remove oil from skin.
home beauty products8.BASIL LEAVES:  Basil leaves can be rubbed on the teeth for whitening. It can also be dried, ground and used as a toothpaste. Basil is also known to have medicinal properties for stomach upset.

Read Simple Homemade Natural Beauty Recipes: Skin & Hair Care Tips & Remedies Plus More...
home beauty products\
If i can't be beautiful, i want to be invisible.


Tuesday 12 March 2013


fashion tips for men
Outfit? check! hygiene ?check! swag? check!
The first impression you are going to have on anyone is your appearance. Your appearance is one part your outfit, another part your hygiene and yet another part your charisma and aura, or more appropriately tagged your swag. That is before you open your mouth and they get either disappointed , filled with awe and respect or simply indifferent. Now let's take time to discus tips that would guarantee the first part, your outfit, here are fashion tips for men.

1.Fit is king. 

If you haven't heard this before, then hear it now. Your clothes have to be closely hugging your body without being tight or stretched. Buy the right size that enables you raise your hands without ripping, bend down without revealing your butt crack and not compressing your stomach except of course you are buying Spandex
fashion tips for men
Now, you know that does not apply to this guy here.
Read:  Large Man's Guide to Style: Fashion Tips for Big Men - How Heavy Guys Can Dress Sharp

2.Always match your belt with your shoes. 

This is a good rule to follow and it keeps things simple. It's best to stay with traditional colours such as black, dark brown or a rich tan. If you are going to be wearing green shoes, then you should also find a green belt to go with it.  If you wearing sneakers  that probably means you are wearing jeans in which case  a belt made of fabric is suggested. Just don't wear a belt and suspenders together, it's one or the other. Also the maximum number of colours should be three, multicolored tops or pants should be worn with plain pants or tops respectively.
fashion tips for men
You can also try this, if you want to be taken less seriously

3. Shoes are everything:

fashion tips for men
Someone obviously thinks making new shoes
 appear tired and beat down is fashionable
 Most guys don't pay much attention to their foot wear, but that is one of the most important accessory  in a men's dressing. Your shoes affect your carriage, and your carriage shows off your outfit. Black shoes always go with most outfit, so if you don't have money to stock your closet with shoes, go for black.

4.Matching Ties ,Shirts and Trousers: 

The rule is not to wear stripped shirts on stripped trousers, one of them should be plain and wear ties that complement the shirt not contrast it, contrasting ties are out of fashion, belt length are still the best for ties so far and make sure your shirts and trousers are somewhat fitted, not tight or body hugging, the better the fit the better you look. Sagging trousers is a hip-hop crazed fashion trend that has “COME” to “STAY” “GO”, flying out your underwear is the best way of telling people you are not in the right frame of Mind. Colours should be limited to three at most and multi coloured materials should be worn on black trousers. 

fashion tips for men
It starts like this
Then  to this

fashion tips for men
(then this) Someone's butt skin has obviously lost the sense of

5. Don't be a sucker for brand names or wear clothes with big logos: 

Except the company is paying you to be a mobile billboard then you can prance with pride. Find what looks good , not what is in vogue or what a new celebrity has put out.


 Beards should be short and well trimmed, most young guys who have just started growing beards flaunt such weak facial hair and leave it to grow out of proportion, it should be noted that those weak new facial hairs don’t make you look older or matured they unfortunately do the opposite. Use shaving powder or shaving scissors if you develop bumps often. Worst of all , is tangled chest hair, if you are going to be wearing a low cut shirt, then get rid of the curly tangled chest hair.
fashion tips for men
This was very cool in the 70's

7.Deodorants/ Roll on/Anitperspirants:

fashion tips for men
What's that smell?
 This is one of the most important accessory a man should have because you sweat and shed skin more, most men buy expensive perfumes , perfumes are just complementary, roll ons and deodorants are very essential, they are anti-perspirants to help reduce sweating in the armpits, prevent armpits sweat marks on your shirts and save the nostrils of the innocent public. It is also advisable to shave off hairs in enclosed parts of the body because they retain sweat and get discoloured and smell.It is also very advisable to not wear shirts,briefs, underpants or boxers twice without washing or at least sun-drying. Remember appearance is the king of impression.

Monday 11 March 2013


marriage and financies
No way on Earth, would I make you a signatory to my personal  account.
Did you realize that 43% of all  couples contend over finances, making it the major cause of disagreements in a marriage?

 In every marriage both parties have to draw up a plan to handle cash , this is the ideal opportunity to talk, create boundaries, and draw up a fiscal arrangement. 

It is never advised for all the finances in a marriage to come into a single purse, that is like putting all your eggs in one basket. There should be a marriage purse and then an individual purse for all individual spending  Marriage purses should be funded from certain percentages of what each spouse earns.

Finances is an extremely colossal part of a marriage. Having enough to use, and to do the things one needs to do, is vital to both parties. Any time couples are unable to do this, then different issues pop up in the marriage. Any time both parties are not on the same page as per finances in the marriage, different  other issues would definitely spring  up. 

Effective communication is usually the most challenging hindrance in securing  financial objectives and goals as far as marriage finances go.  

Couples must understand the need to plan finances in a marriage and for each party to adhere strictly to the planned financial structure of the marriage.  Just the way finances are planned  in a business, they should also be planned in a marriage.

Case in point, how do you get your mate to understand that he or she will check their spending  with the intention that you both can start putting cash away for a greater cause? 

There's got to be a viable agreement, because most couples discover that a lack of money, a lack of spending control, or a lack of fall-back savings eventually causes other problems in a marriage.These  Small issues  eventually lead to greater problems.

In any case, arguments over finances can be totally avoided by effective communication, understanding of  expectations, setting goals and objectives and structuring  a family budget. 

 Here are Marriage financial principles to live by. 

1. Avoid living  beyond your means.If you are not earning it , you probably shouldn't be spending it. 

2. Treat the family as a business. 

3. Create an income-and-expense statement  .

4. Keep records of all expenses. 

5. Make a monthly plan on how money would be earned, saved and spent. 

6. Devise a plan to pay off your debt 

7. Find ways of cutting all unnecessary expenses. 

In summary, married couples have an important duty to plant the seeds for a healthy marriage by simply communicate their financial plans with each other, being realistic about expectations, and abiding by    their financial plan.

Read : Money and Marriage: A Complete Guide for Engaged and Newly Married Couples

Saturday 9 March 2013


Hello Mama,
letter to my mother
My mother
I don't know if you would ever get to read this or be told about this. Mother, i write to you today, not because it is mothers' day but because i want to. First i have to tell you that i am not a writer, so this might seem a little lame. I just want to say that you are the greatest blessing i have. 
letter to my mother
Thank you so much for all those nights i kept you up crying because i was just not in the mood, all those nights you had to stand and rock me back to sleep even when i threw up on your best clothes. I also want to say i am sorry for biting your nipple when i was supposed to be sucking on it. You cried with pain but l laughed with joy. I want to thank you for being my first friend, the one we explored the world together, the one i could always run to when dad was acting up. I want to thank you so much for teaching me how to take care of myself after you took care of me for years. Learning to feed myself, learning to dress myself, learning language and learning life as a human. I say this because we often tend to  take those early periods  in the life of a child as trivial. It never became clear to me until recently when i read about a 33 year old man, who was abandoned in the forest in Uganda when he was a little boy around 3 years when his parents died in the war back in the 80's. He lived with the monkeys for 3 years until he was "rescued" by the soldiers who  sighted him among the animals. 27 years later, he is still not able to speak or adapt to humans. He makes gorilla sounds and has very weak limbs and climbs trees. That is how vital the cradle years are, in which you shaped me into a human. I want to thank you for all the chores you made me do, today, i am hard working ,responsible and self dependent. I want to thank you so much for the love you have for me that never dies. I am sorry for all those times i made you cry, those years of juvenile delinquencies when i thought i got pleasure in hurting you, indeed , i was only hurting myself. I thank you so much for your words of wisdom that i keep with me, for every advice, every encouragement, every chastisement, every warning. They made me, they molded me. I want to say i 'm sorry for glorifying your faults, that was a very stupid thing to do, i now realize that i should have been fighting against those faults reoccurring in me. I thank you so much for your never ending prayers, they went a long way, they sure did .

Now mum, if the angels are singing, sing with them, because your voice is beautiful. If they are clapping, clap those hands of yours too, because yours has raised a child, they  would sound better, if they are dancing , put on your dancing shoes, your dancing steps made a child stop crying and laugh out loud,and when mansions are being allotted, don't hold back, ask for them because you had already built yours. If all girls were like you, there would not be any lazy, unambitious and wayward child in the world. I thank you so much for being  a Mother a friend and a confidant.

Your Child


good mother
Good mother.

1. Stay true to yourself :You don’t have to give up your own passions and interests once you become a mom. You have to understand that your duty is not only to raise them by caring for them, feeding them, getting their clothes clean and all. You also have the responsibility of motivating them to be whatever they can be, and there is no better way of motivation than by being a success  story yourself.They would need to hear these stories when they grow older

2. Don’t be a martyr. :The kids didn't ask for it, they don’t need it, and they certainly don’t need to pay the price that comes with being mothered by a martyr. You don't have to be perfect, the love you have for them would show in many diverse ways. It is not a competition.                               
3. Don’t try to be perfect :Trying to create perfection, or to maintain complete control, is simply impossible and should never be your goal. Let somethings go, give them a little bit of breathing space
4. Ditch the guilt :No one is perfect, and you are not expected to be a perfect mom or to never make mistakes. when you make mistakes, learn from them and ditch the guilt. Don't leave your whole life blaming yourself for things that you didn't do well. when you know better , you do better.
5. Be Patient. Raising kids is hard work. Kids are noisy, messy and incredibly demanding. Yes, you will lose your patience once in a while. When they are born, they are totally helpless, when they grow older they become restless and then when they grow even older, they sometimes become helplessly restless. Take a  deep breath and move on.


6. Listen to your children : mums often act as problem-solvers, dishing immediate advice, when all that is  needed is to listen. Listen to what they have to say, don't be judging all the time or dishing advice, let them talk, let them be comfortable talking to you.
7. Be their mom and their friend. .
8. Teach them simplicity. You will do them a big  HUGE favor, if you teach them at a young age to avoid associating happiness with the accumulation of material possessions. You would be able to do that if you are not greedy yourself.
9. Don’t push them too hard
10. Teach them self-esteem
11. Teach them to be self-reliant.  It’s very tempting to help your children in a way that robs them of the opportunity to help themselves.
12. Pray for them always.  Never underestimate the power of prayers, it goes a long way. prayer changes things.

Read: How to be a Good Mother: A Guide to Doing Your Best by Your Children


African Mothers
We have decided to come up with a comprehensive list of gift suggestions for mothers on mothers’ day or any other day. We decided to channel our gift suggestions to African Mothers. Those are women all over the world with African descent. There  seems not to be any comprehensive list on the internet or anywhere else that solely gives the gift suggestions for African mothers that would actually be appreciated by African mothers. The flowers and scented candles are more or less a waste of time and money for African mothers,  except your mum is married to a white man or is French.
When it comes to mothers, there is no limit to how much to spend, no amount is enough for them , you can keep the budgeted gifts for valentine, Christmas and others but for mothers, go all out. 

1. Real Estate

african village, african real estate
Okay, we are not talking about this kind of Real Estate
African mothers love houses, and this is the best gift suggestion for an African mother, you would ever read. Now unto the budget, if you can afford an Estate, of detached bungalows between 10- 20 houses, don’t hold back , just do it. If you can’t but can afford to buy an apartment preferably 3 bedroom, then go for that. If that is still too much then, go get a piece of land, or old property to buy for her. If she already has a house, you can have it refurbished, repainted, redesigned, changing the home décor, fittings and finishing. if you can’t handle that, then you can pay her rent ,for a year or at least a month, if you still can’t handle that move on to number 2.

2. Automobile: 

african woman in car
My son bought this car for me, i'm selling it after this picture.
Another gift suggestion for African mothers is an automobile, whatever you do, don’t buy an old truck that consumes fuel and fills the whole neighborhood with smoke. However, the bigger, the better. The vehicle has to be big enough to carry all her junk stuff but classy enough to take out to a function. Buy it and have it delivered, then wrap the key in a ribbon and take it to her. If she cries, she loves it. If she doesn't then you know you should have  carried out  gift suggestion number one.

3. African Fabrics: 

african fabrics
You can even make the African Fabrics into chairs, she would never use.
African mothers love their prints, no matter how well travelled  they are, they love them some classy and cool African prints. Buy six different kind of materials or already made African print dresses or clothes.

4. Electronics:

african television
When i grow up, i would buy mama a bigger TV so i can watch when she is away.
 If you mama lives in Africa, then you should get her a bigger television, so she can watch African Magic on the DSTV  Network ( *God we should start charging  for  mentions*). Another very good one is a bigger and more efficient washing machine, she probably does all the laundry and it would be better to have a hi tech equipment , that does  all her work for her.Items like Radio Set, Dish washer, Twin sized gas cookers, giant sized refrigerators or freezers, toasters and  cake mixer etc. Any thing and every thing that would make life in the kitchen and in the sitting room easier. A power Generator might also come In handy, if she lives in a place with rationed electricity. Whatever you buy , please don’t buy her a microwave, if you want her to stay around longer.

5. Spa Treatment: 

african spa
Your Mum may not want to ever look like a masquerade even in a spa
This gift suggestion  might not go well for all African mothers but you have to convince them that they need it and then get a very good spa around. African mothers are used to massaging every other person, especially the old grumpy man that they married and even their children, but no one in most cases thinks to do it for them. Don’t think of doing it now , if you never did it , you are most likely going to suck at it, so get a masseuse , preferably a male ( if she can wrap her mind around another man touching her ) and tell him/her  to listen to what she wants, and how she wants it done.( We have to stop here, this is beginning to sound somehow). Go figure!

6. Trip:

I hope she is not scared of flying.
 African mothers love to see the world, that is why they watch television a lot, so go ahead and plan a trip for her to a place she has never been, where there would be lots of sights to see, this is a gift suggestion where you can never go wrong except you make her go on a trip alone , or you take her to a place that is unsafe or the places that you  like instead of what she would like.

7. Accessories:

african pots
This kind of pots burn food.
Buy as many as you can afford, plate sets, pot sets, hand bags , shoes to match, hats ,head gears, scarfs, weaves ,perfumes. Don’t just buy something from the thrift shop, go ahead and buy something that has a brand  name or at least something of very high quality and durability, she is going to show it to her friends , so you want to make it the best.

8. Jewelries and cosmetics: 

African jewelries
This might be too heavy for her frail hands
First, not all African mothers use jewelries, but the ones that do, use enough for the ones that don’t. Buy her chains, ear rings, bracelets and while you are at it, get her an  anti -aging cream, a moisturizer, make up kits and cleansers. These particular gift suggestion would make her happy and keep her looking radiant and beautiful like you want her to.

9. Pictures: 

african women
Actually it's better if she is painted on a large wall. 
Take her to a studio and let her go for a photo shoot, you would have to get her new attires and have the picture framed  and hanged on the wall in the good ole traditional way, leave Facebook or instagram out of this.

10. Natural Supplements and Essentials: 

african leaves
You can just pick moringa leaves and give them to her
Now your African mother is probably the queen of all home remedies that you know of, but she might just be  missing out on supplements and essential oils to keep the body,soul and mind  working at full capacity. Lay off Chinese products for now, get recommendation from a certified doctor before buying anything. Vitamin tabletsCalcium drops , garlic drops etc  are wonderful gift suggestions but  they should still be recommended by a doctor.

Over the Counter Natural Cures: Take Charge of Your Health in 30 Days with 10 Lifesaving Supplements for under $10

11. Food stuffs: 

african food
I'm eating only the chicken
African mothers love to have food stuffed all over the house, even if they would only eat a spoon ful, so  go ahead and buy all the food supplies they need. The dry fishes imported from Norway, the basmati rice from china and India, the yams from your local food seller and spices that you would only find in Africa.

12. Surgery: 

african women surgery
I hope i don't die under the anesthesia
African Mothers might not like this, but it is a good gift suggestion, especially to reduce weight that might cause diabetes, back pain, high blood pressure and all it’s cousins. This has to be approved by the doctor, so you don’t end up killing your own mother with anesthesia  or excessive bleeding.

13. Gift basket:

gifts suggestions
We honestly don't know anything in this basket but it does look good.
 If all the gift suggestions listed above isn't working for you, then you still have no excuse to let  mother’s day pass without showing love to your mother. Even though you are supposed to be doing that every day. Go ahead and get a gift basket from a gift shop , that contains things that an African mother would need, not  paintings or sculptured cartoon characters.

14. Mothering Sunday:

african women
Now, i can show everyone, the beads my son bought for me.
 Most African Mothers, especially Catholics celebrate mothers’ day  in church, there and then, she would want to carry out some financial obligations, this you can finance. The bigger, the better. She would be so glad you did, but ensure that you don’t spend all your budget on that, save something else for her alone. Most of those items would not be for her, so still go ahead and get her something for herself.


 Now, we know that there are some of you reading this post , that have the intention to carry out all these gift suggestions given above but now is not really the right time, mostly because of financial constraints. Well, pin, this post and send her text messages , call her or send her greeting cards. We all know African Mothers love any form of gift coming from their children.
african women
Happy mothers' day