ElijahForce ElijahForce

Saturday 13 April 2013


wrong reasons to get married, marriage

Marriage is beautiful. However in recent times, we  have seen the great decline in straight marriages all across the world.
     Marriage, the once beautiful fruit seems to have left a bitter taste in the mouth of so many. “Why do I have to put up with someone else all my life?”, Jacqueline 28 had responded. A lot of people around the world have resorted to living together and open relationships. Why the decline in marriage can be linked to decline in earning power of men, protection of personal wealth and assets which might be lost in marriage and other behavioral abnormalities and beliefs. One of the major reasons for decline in the rate of marriage and increase in the rate of failed marriages are that people get into marriage for all the wrong reasons. They give themselves all the wrong reasons to get married and what makes these reasons wrong is that they cannot sustain a marriage and would rather bring an abrupt end to a marriage. We are going to explain a few here. 

1. Lust:

 One of the many  wrong reasons to  get  married is lust. It also happens to be the commonest reason why people get married. The thought of having a magazine cover girl or a well ripped athlete all to yourself might seem nice enough. The prospect of eroticism and sexual prowess that would be enjoyed  exclusively in the marriage also seems most of the time to blind individual from obvious signs of incompatibility and lack of communication whatsoever , all needed for marriage to succeed.  Everything seems to boil down to physicality in a lust filled relationship .Lust is one of the  wrong reasons to get married. Because it eventually wears out  and the marriage ends even before it starts.
wrong reasons to get married, marriage
If you marry me, i'm going to do nasty things to you each night until you weep.

2. Infatuation:

 Ever heard of the term” love at first sight”. Experts say that is a typical example of infatuation. You know it’s infatuation, when you are constantly thinking of how to reveal yourself to the other person based on your idealized vision of the other person. You immediately lose all form of security in yourself and are consumed with the thought of the other person liking you. You can't take your ground because you don’t want to lose the person. You basically work on egg shells doing everything in your power to recreate yourself for the person. Infatuation is what most love songs, and films portray as love, where you lose all sense of individuality and drown in this exhaustive experience. Infatuation, one of the wrong reasons to get married would sap out life from you, it would put your life goals and sense of individuality on hold and when you don’t get back the “so called love” you believe you deserve or your partner is not as infatuated as you are. You lose it, the whole marriage comes crashing down. Infatuation ends as fast as it starts. Getting married within weeks of first meeting each other is one of the surest signs of infatuation. 

3. Following the norm:

It is believed in most parts of the world that marriage is compulsory and is some kind of achievement and so every youth must eventually work towards that. Following the norm is also one of the wrong reasons to get married. Marriage is work and should be between two consenting adults who understand what they are going into and are ready to make it work and make it last. If you are not ready for that, there is no point following the norm of getting married just because you are expected to or because you love the idea of marriage itself or the fear of remaining unmarried because everybody is getting married. Marriage is beautiful but the aftermath of a broken marriage is like a scar that never erases even when you remarry. Do not allow yourself to be put under any pressure to marry by friends, relatives, parents or coworkers until you are ready to spend the rest of your life with someone you love, sans lust and infatuation.

4. Forcing Commitment:

One of the wrong reasons to get married which is also very common among the female folks is the need to force your partner into commitment to prevent being jilted in the future. Commitment should be gone into willingly and no one should be coerced into commitment. Marriage should not feel like a prison, it should be beautiful and enjoyed.  You would be wise enough to skip certain activities or functions until marriage to increase the value and incentives for marriage but not putting your partner  into a leash where he or she would be dragged into commitment under duress. Marriage should celebrate individuality as well as togetherness and forcing commitment would build marriage on a wrong foundation which would eventually send it tumbling down.

5. Money: 

This is arguably the most common of all the wrong reasons to get married. Financial security that a marriage can offer drives a lot of people into marriages they would otherwise not have gone into. This reason seems acceptable and laudable and a lot of people would applaud a lady who marries into money but the trick is,most monies comes with a lot of issues and the money in most cases is not worth the price of loneliness, unworthiness, paranoia and family feud that you have to put up with. Worst off, when there is a pre-nup. For the money bag, marrying someone because you possess the money you believe the other person needs would only be successful as long as the your partner, fails to apply themselves and make enough income on their own to fuel their sense of individuality and freedom. There has been several cases where a lady marries into money only to get some opportunities of applying herself and getting financial rewards on her own during the course of the marriage and then bailing on the marriage, or totally shifting all focus to herself and her money making enterprise.
wrong reasons to get married, marriage
What is the point of marrying some broke ass guy with potentials?

6. Escape Route:

  Taking marriage as an escape route to leave a town, a city , your family or relatives is also one of the wrong reasons to get married. The purpose of marriage far transcends that and going into a marriage because  of such trivial reasons is asking for trouble. Find ways of dealing with people you don’t want in your life other than getting married and getting whisked away into a new world filled with new challenges and discoveries that marriage offers.


7. Pity Party

 Marrying someone out of pity is also one of the wrong reasons to get married and it ranks as one of the dumbest too. Feeling sorry and feeling responsible for someone is good enough, marrying them for that is just straight up dumb. Marriage is more precious than a relationship based on pity except of course the person in question  has about 6 hours after the wedding to live, then you can be over your dumb decision  in 6 hours otherwise you would have to spend the rest of your existence feeling dumb and dumber and it would be way worse to break out of such relationship because you would look worse than when you went in. This is also as dumb as marrying someone with the hope of changing them into your lifestyle, your religion or your culture. Even if they show early signs of tagging along, remember that is what it is, tagging along, not change, marriage is not supposed to impose a change on anyone. It would only go so far before you start wishing being run down by a high speed train.
wrong reasons to get married, marriage
This guy's picture pops up when you google, "marrying out of pity" because
he is the first African to claim he married out of pity. He also
happens to be an Actor who came to limelight after marriage.

8. Cultural beliefs: 

 A lot of Asian marriages fall under this category. This still doesn't change the fact that it is one of the wrong reasons to get married. Marrying to maintain some bogus cultural belief is absolutely ridiculous and synonymous to punishment. Marriage is supposed to be based on love, friendship, companionship, togetherness and fun, not some pre-arranged culture preserving mediocre where participants have to live with each other, get used to each other and resort to fate. While this kinds of marriage seldom end in divorce due to the fear of the same cultural beliefs that started it in the first place, it leads to a life of unfulfillment , loss of the sense of individuality and lack of emotional expression and togetherness. This is also as bad as limiting your choice of a marriage partner due to cultural reasons, geographical location, language or race.
wrong reasons to get married, marriage
This guy doesn't know the middle name of his bride but who cares?
They are cute and they would spend the rest of their lives together
miserably happily married.

9. Pregnancy:

 Having a baby on the way is one of the wrong reasons to get married. This reason ranks high in African Countries. This is because procreation has been falsely thought to be sole reason for marriage in these countries , especially west Africa. And most women mess  with the thought of literally trapping a man into marrying them by getting pregnant. This reason is as dangerous as it sounds, don’t put yourself in such dangerous situations. While it is not advisable for children to be born out of wedlock due to some future psychological issues postulated by experts, putting the weight of marriage on an unborn fetus is not a good idea and is a recipe for a marriage that would not stand the test of time.

10. Parental issues: 

Marrying to satisfy your parents and relatives also counts as one of the wrong reasons to get married , so is marrying to hurt your parents. No parent in his  or her right mind should force a child to get married for their own selfish benefits and no right thinking child should also go ahead and exchange vows with the sole intention of pissing off the parent. Marriage would come with it’s own issues and challenges, secondary issues might prove too difficult to handle in a marriage. The “ us against the world” mentality more often than not ends badly and no marriage should be put under such unnecessary additional pressure.

11. Fortune Telling:

As ridiculous as this may sound to someone in America or United Kingdom, sooth saying , oracles and fortune telling, whatever you call it is a very common way of finding a marriage partner in Asia and Africa. The commonest way is by bringing pictures of random potential spouses to the fortune teller who then points out the "victim's' soulmate. Getting married based on the prediction of a fortune teller is one of the many wrong reasons to get married. 

12. Exercising a Right

Another one of the numerous wrong reasons to get married is to exercise a right or law that had just been passed. 30 years back ,some marriages taking place today in some parts of the world were totally illegal, now some new laws have been passed in certain countries and this is usually followed by mass weddings. There is much more to marriage than exercising a right, because soon, you might also be exercising the right to divorce.

13. Needing Assistance.

It is always said that "two heads are better than one" but the fact remains that if one head cannot function independently on it's own , it would be no good even when it has another one to work with. One of the many wrong reasons to get married is the need to get assistance, in running your daily life.You need help cleaning your house, fixing your food, running errands, changing the door knob and taking out the trash , then get a maid. Marriage is so much more than the need to get things done around the house. Marriage is meant for those who have found independence and then intend to co-depend because of the right reasons to get married .

14. Marrying for citizenship and other benefits.

Marrying someone to get a citizenship to a better country is also becoming one of the most common wrong reasons to get married.You would become a citizen quite alright but then in most cases it ends badly.

The above are all wrong reasons to get married because they usually end the marriage abruptly or rob the participants of the immense joy and happiness that marriage brings. Before signing on those dotted lines, it is important to note these reasons and either proceed  with or call off the wedding . Before you get married , you need to know about the choices in relationship. Read Choices in Relationships: An Introduction to Marriage and the Family
wrong reasons to get married
Now we've unconsciously given you more excuses to bail out of your relationships. Jerks!

Thursday 11 April 2013



bigger butts, make your butt biggerTo make your butt bigger, you will need

  •         Glutes Exercise
  •          Booty Pads
  •          Butt Enhancement Creams and Pills
  •          Fat Enhancing foods
  •          Butt Enhancement Surgery

The beauty and importance of big butts cannot be overemphasized.  The size of your butt depends to a large extent on  two things
1. The size of your body frame 
2. Your genetic makeup. 

This gives new meaning to the words ."shake what your mama gave you".This however does not  mean people who are not genetically engineered to have bigger butts should  resort to fate and watch the benefits of bigger butts avoid them all their lives. No!. Thanks to research , anybody anywhere can make their butt bigger.  There are four particular steps you can take to make your butt bigger. 

A  big butt is really a big butt when it is rounded, firm and pear shaped and extruding from a  nicely shaped person. Being overweight would not make your butt bigger, it would in fact make it merge with the fat in other parts of the body producing a rotund figure.
A big butt would also require you to be comfortable at all times when sitting and lying, as people with bigger butts are much more susceptible to lower back pain and bad posture.

Sleeping on very comfortable mattress or comfy pillows as against the flat rock hard ones common in Asia. That said let’s go through the ways in which you can make your butt bigger.


1. Appearance enhancement:  

 This is the easiest way to make your butt bigger because it requires you to simply make your butt appear bigger  comparably to the rest of your body.  This can be achieved by making your waist smaller by
1. Using big waist belts 
2. Wearing gowns and heels
3.Wearing solid colors and 
4.Using a girdle for your mid section. 
5.Wearing fitted wears, boot cuts or well rounded jeans would do wonders when you look in the mirror. 

This would also be complemented by good posture (standing up straight without slouching). Other ways to make your butt bigger in appearance include

  • Walking on a straight line preferably with high heels (Cat Walking) would give that big butt appearance. 
  • Wearing your jeans on the lower waist to accentuate the hips and then the butts. 
  •  Using Booty Pads. The best appearance enhancements of all is the booty pads that fits on the butt right underneath the pants. This is ironically being sold mostly in African countries,Brazil and  America.
  • Using Jockstraps for Men .In America there are jockstraps that help to literally pull out men’s butt.                                                               
Appearance enhancements would not make your butt bigger, but would rather make it look bigger. 
You can tell that her butt is bigger with that belt just by looking at her 
This is also the same lady, you can wear booty pads and big belts too.


2. Gain weight:

 If you are a skinny bone, chances are  your butt would also be as flat as an ironing  board. To make your butt bigger, you need to gain weight. This is called specific weight gain, in which you gain the weight in certain parts of the body alone. It is the most difficult kind of weight gain but  if it makes your butt bigger then it is worth it.

A low fat Diet would come in handy in making your butt bigger.  Reduce intake of bad fats, Avoid high-oil sauces, dressings, and use margarine and butter sparingly, Avoid fried foods and chicken skin .

Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, Eat lean protein like: fish, chicken, egg whites, cottage cheese and low-fat protein shakes. 

 Rain forest herbs such as Aguaje fruit and Maca root are also known to have butt enhancing effects. These herbs mixed with moringa and shizandra with soyabean milk helps to increase estrogen levels that help bring on those body curves and make the butt bigger. This is obviously not advisable for men. 

Some women had sworn by  Fish Oil to increase the butt, because of it's omega fatty acid nutrients. Breaking a capsule and rubbing on  each butt cheek every day for 3- 6 months would make the butt plump, if you can get through the stinking smell.

Aguaje Fruit, said to work like a booty pump
Moringa , the only thing this leaf doesn't do is raise the dead.

3. Exercises: 

 This is one of the most effective ways to get some junk in your trunk (make your butt bigger). It works the glutes and the thighs and gives the butt a lift, shaping it and making it bigger. Here are very good butt exercises for your butt.
Do this every day to make your butt bigger. It’s a combination of squats , leg presses and lunges.  Consider adding  varying weights to your exercise routine and including other exercise routines like hip thrust and butt bridges.  Engage in sports that build your butt muscles and make your butt bigger.Sport activities such as running, cycling , gymnastics, volleyball and soccer would make your butt bigger. Here is a highly recommended Butt Routine Exercise from BeFIt. This is a 30 Day routine which would have remarkable results.
butt bigger
Start with this
butt bigger
then add this

butt bigger
then this

4.Butt Enlargement Creams

Another way to make your butt bigger is by using butt enlargement creams. There are tons and tons in the market that actually do not work but a few add quite a noticeable junk in the trunk. Major Curves Butt Enhancement Capsules is about the best product in the market of butt enlargement creams based on the results users experienced. It contains herbs like wild Mexican yam and Mother's wort , both with very good butt enhancement properties.Some beauticians however advice combining major curves butt enhancement capsules with IsoSensuals ENHANCE | Breast Enlargement Cream which has greater fat gathering properties while major curves ensures that, the extra fat literally finds it's way to the right places. It is to be taken twice daily as a dietary supplement. You would definitely need bigger jeans with this one but it would also make you eat a lot more   without weight gain or side effects. GLUTEBOOST BUTT CREAM comes second, this product however has been controversial based on the time in which results are expected  as it is to be taken much longer before remarkable results can be seen. It requires to be taken for about a year but comes with lasting results .


5. Butt Implants:

bigger butts, make your butt bigger
If you want this kind of transformation, then
skip all the four previous step.
Butt Implants are of two kinds 1. Butt Injections 2. Butt Surgery Butt Implants is the Option of Last resort. This is the go to option when diet and exercise fail or if expectations are higher than what an appearance adjustment can give.  Butt Injections are also of two kinds 1. Brazilian butt lift /Fat Injection where the doctor takes fat from other parts of the body, purifies it and then moves it to the butt. 2. Hydrogel Injection which is illegal in the United States and quite risky. Hydrogel injection Kits are sold on the internet for as low as $900  and these procedures are done extensively in Asia. PMMA and Silicone Implants are the commonest forms of butt augmentation surgery. PMMA is however  expensive. This kind of butt augmentation requires a licensed practitioner. Remember Cheap is dangerous. There are no cheap shortcuts to having a bigger butt through Surgery

Wednesday 10 April 2013


How To Get Over your exbroken relationships, how to get over your ex, relationship
 How To Get Over Your Ex
“Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a lair; but never doubt I love”
Literature is full of quotations that speak of the beauty of love and relationships. There is no doubting the fact that with love comes happiness, but as endearing as love itself is, the pain of a broken heart is  excruciating.
There is a famous saying , “bruised knees heel better than broken hearts”. Definitely, when the heart breaks,  a part of you  breaks with it. Putting together the broken pieces rather than living with a broken heart, requires strength and  courage .
 A broken relationship is a bitter pill to swallow because   in most cases  the whole relationship finally becomes clear and you are forced to see the relationship in a light different from how you have ever seen it. The warning signs would become clearer, the subliminal actions would make more sense and they would all boil down to the fact that you had been living in a fool’s castle from the get go. The betrayal would hurt, the loneliness would suck, the neglect would be even more painful with every step you take and it would be really difficult to get over your ex
 Patsy Cline wrote, “You want me to act like we’ve never kissed, you want to forget; pretend we’ve never met, and I’ve tried and I’ve tried, but I haven’t yet…you walk by and I fall to pieces.”
 However, in order to get over your ex and get your life back after a broken relationship.You need to 

1.Keep yourself busy.

broken relationships, how to get over your ex, relationship
You can now take that course on UFOs
broken relationships, how to get over your ex, relationship
or live your life taking pictures for
National Geographic

If you are idle, your mind is bound to wander, the hurt in your heart will sap you of the will and energy to move on. So, take up extra courses, engage yourself in new  chores; hang around  friends you love, spend time with family members that are close to you. Take on a challenge, and finally strike out something on your bucket list. Get over your ex!. The period after a broken relationship is the best time to go out on a limb, to take up charity work, to look beyond yourself, to experience the wind blow on your face, to let the heart release the pain. In short, you shouldn't spend time alone as it is in the quietest hours that the memories of the by gone becomes unavoidable
broken relationships, how to get over your ex, relationship
Finally, you don't have to pretend to enjoy watching the
Lakers and just watch Keeping up with
the Kardashian instead.

2. Look on the bright side. 

After a broken relationship, you need to find something good about the break up like the fact that you dodged a bullet, that  your ex was not in love with you anyway and you can now literally  wear those high heeled shoes that you always wanted to wear  or watch that game that you always wanted and stop pretending that you like something you didn't .  Doing all the things you could not do when you were in the relationship is one of the best ways of getting over your ex.You should be glad that the relationship ended before you sunk any deeper in trouble. No more time should be spent on broken relationships other than the time it lasted. So, rather than spending your time pounding over  someone who never valued you, you should be thankful that you did not waste any more of your valuable life and emotions .
You need to have the confidence that things will work out and you will finally meet someone who would love you for who you are. It takes two people to make a relationship work. So, you should not trap yourself in the lane of hurt and pain.

3. Bite the Bullet:

Experts believe that the finest way of getting over your ex is to accept that you have made a mistake and look for a  new start with a fresh wave of hope. Except in rare cases where your ex has done some physical damage, it is not advisable to waste your time getting even or plotting a revenge. The pitfalls of revenge is that it really doesn't make you feel better. It gives a satisfying feeling  immediately but that feeling eventually dies out and the hurt and pain now seems to have multiplied while you went about plotting revenge. Plotting revenge or trying your best to make your ex miss you is not a sure way to get over your ex. So you can take down all those funny Facebook pictures that were immediately uploaded after the break up and all those tweets that seem to say " i am dying inside".
Oscar Wilde stated, “The heart was made to be broken”. So, do not feel like you are at the end of the world. There are a lot of people who witness troubles in the lane of love, but it is all about being strong and going on. You should not give someone the power to crush you. Wait for the right person to walk along and they  will once again make your heart throb and a beautiful relationship can blossom between the two of you. So, be hopeful for a fresh start because true love will happen, at least once in a lifetime.
Here is a guy waiting for his true love to fall
from the sky.

4. Don’t make the same mistakes:

Learn from the mistakes you made, don’t make the same mistakes, don’t over look the warning signs. In doing this however don’t make the next person pay for the last person’s mistake and don’t let the next person have to deal with your broken heart. Heal first after a broken relationship before moving on to another one.

Research has shown that it takes averagely 15-17 months to get over a breakup with someone you used to be in love with.

Further reading:How To Get Over Your Ex (Harlequin Kiss)


Monday 8 April 2013


letter to former selfA Letter To My Former Self
In the words of Eric Cantona, “he who has regrets cannot look at himself in the mirror”. Today when I look into the mirror, I see someone else , someone that you would become ,living a life, retracing your steps. Your absurdity is quite laughable, your recklessness unimaginable, taking a decision as vital as your life career to the betting table,  altering  the course of your career, your life.
Life may not give you second chances and yet you are giving away the opportunity that  it has generously tossed at you. You are a bright student and you know it . Good grades, good co-curricular activities, active participation, the perfect high school dream.
Yet, you are following the band wagon in taking the pivotal decision of the stream you must choose, Engineering!. What is that lump in your throat, that voice in your head screaming not to take the plunge?; it’s saying you will never be happy working with java, diodes, transistors and what not. But you seem to be taking it all as a basket case,  barking the wrong tree, following the rollercoaster of  peers opting for the same. It seems friendship is the only flower that you must attend to,  engineering is the only way out and today  I stand in front of my mirror and laugh at you, I’m laughing so hard my chest hurts, you are wrong in so many ways.
In a few years, the scales would fall from your eyes when you push yourself to the brink of devastation. When you toil for four long years in engineering college.  You would suddenly know without any doubt that you were meant to be an arts’ student. The love for literature, historical romances, the characters in Shakespearian plays that once tugged to the chords of your  heart would begin to haunt you because , you turned a deaf ear to all of it as you crush your interests in the grilling engineering college chasing pavements while falling under the burden of one lecture above the other.
The years would keep rolling in their tormenting speed. Being the bright student that you are, you would manage to get good grades. You would  even land a job but even then you would loathe yourself  for taking this decision ..
Some day you would work in one of the largest  IT companies in this country and you would still be  brimming with regret. Your  first pay check, would be a slap on your face. You would think you would  feel elated and the regrets would disappear but that  day you would be blown off your trolley, your dreams and perceptions shattered; You would feel  nothing more than a twinge of remorse and  regret at living a life which you do not cherish.
Yes that  one decision of yours would deprive you  the pleasure of having your first pay check.
 It would rob you of the motivation to get up from your  bed daily, and there would be that feeling  like something in your  life is missing .
Amidst such pangs of depression, I took a leap of faith. I started writing as it helped me air my thoughts and gave words to my feelings. It did not take me long to realize that this was the field I was passionate about. I started spending more time on it, and came up with this idea of writing you.
I chose not only to write you but also to write  my future self. My future self ,devoid of the big mountain of regret. I put in a lot of work, started from the scratch and got myself listed as a  writer , an established freelance writer. blossoming everyday . I now take online classes on philosophy and pursue my dreams in literature.
My future self would look back at me and write me a letter , thanking me for the courage to begin again, to take responsibility for my own life, to rewrite my wrongs  and most of all for letting you know that the effects of your childish decisions are over, starting from today.
Further Reading:Choosing Your Career



The Beauty of Bigger Butts

bigger butts, beauty

Bigger butts are presently a trending beauty craze that has come to stay. Of all the   beauty trends that come and go , bigger butts is one beauty trend that is not only good and deserves to stay but is actually beneficial.
 Bigger butts for men and women has a lot of unsung benefits. 

1 Fashion Appeal: 

Apart from the fact that bigger butts for men might require using more fabrics and taking pants (trousers) length measurements from the back as against the side, it makes pants sit better on the body and look better on both men and women. Talk about the extra cushion to  accentuate the primate S shape of the body . Clothes simply fit better and that is one of the major indications of beauty

2 Confidence: 

Bigger butts increase confidence, help stability and improve the posture  of the carrier. 

3 Strength: 

Bigger butts in most cases means bigger glutes and the glutes is a very important muscle for intercourse especially for men. It can go a long way in getting a pat on the back  or a slap in the face.

4 Cushion effects: 

There is no denying the cushion effect of the  butt. Recently a woman fell down on the new York side work and her butt disintegrated the side work. She was retrieved unhurt because of the cushion effect that her butt has given her. There has been reported cases of getting shot in the butt and the butt in all it’s super hero glory would protect vital organs in the process, as the flesh works like air bags protecting against vital organs. These cushion effects have also be said to make natural  childbirth less painful. This might be the reason why natural births are still the order of the day in African countries where bigger butts abound in all fulsomeness. That and the fact that there are poor health care infrastructures. The real deal about the childbirth is with a big butt comes big hips and women with bigger hips carry pregnancies better and deliver easier.

5 Sex Appeal:

 Bigger butts can improve both a man and woman’s sex appeal, it’s one part of the body that is equally as sensitive as the breasts. The shape and beauty of a butt can go a long way in turning on or turning off. Ass clapping also becomes possible and easier with bigger butts. If you don't know what ass clapping is , you probably don't need to know."I love a woman with a nice peach shaped rear, I don't know what it is about it, But it really gets me going!" says Bryan, 32.

6 Well being: 

Bigger butts reduces the risk of diabetes, so says a study. A little extra padding on the butt can help shield from diabetes, aside making you a better dancer and what not. The subcutaneous fat in the back side  contains anti-inflammatory enzyme that could release artery blockage. It is also effective in encouraging your body to use your natural insulin to fight off diseases and ironically, lose weight.

7 Longevity: 

Bigger butts can prolong your life. And we are not making this up . Experts have explained that the body stores fats mostly in the mid section  of the body either in front around the belly region or at the back t first before moving to the arms, the face, the chest and the entire body.It’s about being pear shaped or apple shaped or the newly added guitar shape for people that look like a guitar turned up side down. Many studies have shown that people who accumulate fat around the abdomen and stomach are more likely to die of heart disease and other causes than bottom-heavy people.  People with fat in their thighs and backsides may live longer because the fat traps harmful fatty particles and actively secretes helpful compounds,  it produces fewer inflammatory cytokines according to a report . The full report in international journal of obesity goes further to explain  figuratively that bigger butts are the understated wonder of the world.
bigger butts, beauty
Now you know this lady is going to outlive you, well if she
can survive the back pain.
Now, apart from beauty benefits such as  fitting in your clothes, prancing with confidence and added glutes  strength which would in turn throw your confidence to the roof, long life is also in the mix .  Bigger butts are the new iphone. Although your overall shape is partly determined by genetics and skeletal frame.