ElijahForce ElijahForce

Tuesday 15 January 2013


I Give myself away.
I Give myself Away.

There is a video that has just been recently uploaded on YouTube and No!, it is not another Korean pop sensation or another awkward kid in the Middle East. This time, it is coming from the church. It was uploaded by rave urban TV and it apparently features a bishop consecrating some new bishops into position. The very theatrical process involved lying on the floor, man on man, white cloth, red cloth and a bishop girdle ( or a dress).
This has seen some uploads to social media and has had it’s share of comments. Majority blasted the act, tagging it unscriptural, gay, a show off to mention a few. Other suggested that members should have walked out on the “weirdness”. The song, i give myself away was also cited to be ambiguous. The most liked comment read “ THE SAD PART THE CHURCH WAS CLAPPING ON HIS HUMPING....LIKE REALLY!!!
See for yourself.
Well the church has since taken the video down, something they shouldn't have recorded in the first place.
Now, you have to understand the perspective of the public on this issue. The American Environment has made homosexual activities a part of it’s everyday life and as such no longer criminalized or segregated , but you know as things change they also remain the same. This singular act has also made any form of same sex contact ultimately tagged as gay. You would really understand this, if you went to india, where a large percentage of the men are heterosexual yet very feminine in one way or the other.
Back to the church located somewhere in Detroit. Ordination and consecration should be done privately, not like a reality show. Ordinations are usually done amongst the church workers and ministers and the new inductees are simply announced to the congregation. This is not the first time; we have seen something of this nature done in the open. This doesn’t do anything to the new convert or the new birth Christian other than to make them feel uncomfortable and in most cases confused.
One place in the bible where laying was recorded was in 2kings chapter 4: where Elisha laid on the rich widow’s child, it reads
32 Elisha arrived at the woman’s house and went straight to his room, where he saw the boy’s body on his bed. 33 He walked in, shut the door, and prayed to the Lord. 34 Then he got on the bed and stretched out over the dead body, with his mouth on the boy’s mouth, his eyes on his eyes, and his hand on his hands. As he lay there, the boy’s body became warm. 35 Elisha got up and walked back and forth in the room, then he went back and leaned over the boy’s body. The boy sneezed seven times and opened his eyes.
In this scenario, the laying was to awaken the spirit, soul and in turn body by transfer due to body contact.  This may be the principle the bishop is trying to recreate here, using his body as a vessel of transfer to the men on the ground. But it has to be noted that in the case of  Elisha it was face to face ( which would have caused even more uproar) and when people die, they are laid chest up. While this theory is not cast in stone, we have to understand that whatever we do, we should do in moderation, so that people would not be drowned in the confusion that certain acts have caused. I give myself away.
Let’s know what you think?


Ruth 1
 "1 In the days when the judges ruled, there was a famine in the land. So a man from Bethlehem in Judah, together with his wife and two sons, went to live for a while in the country of Moab. 2 The man’s name was Elimelech, his wife’s name was Naomi, and the names of his two were Mahlon and Kilion."
  In the above passage we see a man  take a decision to follow a direction based on his present condition and location, in the bid to avoid suffering and hardship from the famine which was in the land.  He went ahead with his wife and children. remember we are looking at direction.
 Jeremiah  1:5  says
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,   before you were born I set you apart;   I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."
1 Corin 6:19 says
" Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own".
 In verse 12,
"it says that everything is permissible to me but not everything is beneficial",
It also goes to say that  you are not  your own in other words, the lord owns us, in jeremiah we see God telling  jeremiah that before he was formed , he had an assignment. The same thing applies to everyone on earth , we are not here to follow the crowd and make decisons based on popular perceptions . Whatever the circumstances surrounding your births, God has a plan and assignment for you and a direction for you to follow.
We have come to discover that God’s plan for our life is location specific, you can not just afford to relocate anywhere, do anything, studyany course, work in any company because God has our master plan.

 Genesis 12
 " The LORD had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you. 2 “I will make you into a great nation,    and I will bless you; I will make your name great,    and you will be a blessing.3 I will bless those who bless you,    and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth   will be blessed through you"

 In that verse we see that  God has a plan for Abram but it was location specific, if he had remained he wouldn't have been a great nation, if he had moved to a country where God did not show him none of God's promises  would hold.
When lot chose a land to dwell , he looked at the quality of the land, the soil and the logical benefits he felt he could get from that land but in the long run, he returned from that land empty handed. When a manufacturer creates a  machine, he also writes a product manual for it, a Direction for every user to follow, where the function which that machine is designed for would be stated and conditions for which it would operate, if the machine now decides to act like another different machine all it’s efforts would be frustrated and in the long run, it would amount to zero.

 A lot of us youths today because of the societal and parental pressures go ahead and studycourses that God did not lead them to, marry people God did not appoint them to, take up jobs that God did not direct them to and in the long run, it would definitely amount to nothing. A lot of people spend their whole lives living lives  that God has no idea about and they die like they never lived. God has deposited a lot of virtues in us, and a lot of us have the vision of what God wants us to be, but we need to go back and ask God for direction on how to get there, which job to take, which program to do , which town to move to. Elimelek   was caught in the moment of what was going on around him and he moved to another town, there he lost his life , all his sons  died, it was also important to note that in that land of moab they never had any more kids and  they lost all they had and came back penniless. In ten years from now the difference in people   now would be the difference in the God given Direction that each one has taken. Don’t just do anything, pray that God should direct you, life is too short to be lived running around in circles. , get DIRECTION

Monday 14 January 2013


Dear Future husband,
Future husband

I thank God for the courage to write this
letter to you which is partly inspired by
other letters that I have read.  It has really taken a long journey to get to this
place of being able to write to you. I have
lived  most of my life in misconception of
what a husband is and is to be. I grew up
believing Men are liars, cheats, abusive,
selfish and disrespectful to women. I believed that we were the “weaker sex”
who deserved nothing  in life. And in my
delusion, I travelled  the path of sin and
perched my nest in the valley of darkness.  I went about life trying to be a perfect instrument for someone else. I went
around seeking for what I thought was
the ideal kind of man until Jesus found
me. He brought me out of the miry clay
and opened my eyes.  He let me know
that I was wonderfully and fearfully created and he had plans for a future and a
glorious end for me. He showed me that I
don’t have to see  myself , the way my
environment sees me but how he has
made me. He helped me forgo the hurt,
the shame and the pain of the past and
gave me the hope of a brighter, better
day which cannot be cut short. I am
whole . I have now let go of my pastalong with all my erroneous and worldly beliefs,  I
now know that a true husband is the one that would
love his wife, the way
Christ loves the Church. And that a God driven marriage is the one where we would both
complement each other and support each other in fulfilling our God given destiny. My beloved, I want you also to let go of all your
worldly misconceptions of women, all the kind
you read in secular lifestyle magazines, because I am simply different from that. I
would also like you to let go of any hurt or
pain that may get in your way of showing
love and care for your wife and family. Surrendering your pain to God and let him heal
you. I would not judge you because I know
you would not be perfect.
I am learning new things, developing myself
everyday, spiritually, mentally and physically. I have now started to feed my soul, spirit
and mind, instead of hitherto just feeding my
body. Because I have come to realize that you
wouldn’t marry me for my body alone, but for
my heart, my mind and the spirit of God inside of me.  Now  I can see clearly and I know
that in due time, God would bring us together
Your future wife

Read : Prayers & Notes To My Future Husband

Friday 11 January 2013


catch me if you can
If men ,guys and even boys are always hitting on you (chasing you) for sex ,you should ask yourself a basic question, “am I doing anything to encourage them?”.

Below are some reasons why the opposite sex may be constantly hitting on you for sex

1.You are sexually attractive:  A man may see your beauty and connect it to sex, but you can make him see you differently when he comes close to you, by shifting their focus from your body to your mind. When you develop your mind, you would be worth much more than a sexual attraction to men, you are sexually attractive i.e seen only as useful for sex if you are just beauty and no brains. A beautiful woman who takes the pains to develop and release her God-given potentials set herself apart from the stereotype. When guys become interested and get close and listen to her, she will win their respect by her intelligent and meaningful contribution, that would gradually reduce the constant chasing for sex.
2.You come across as weak willed: it is a natural law that people would gradually move more to the area of least resistance , if you are always laughing and giggling when sexual issues are raised or going out of your way to impose care on the opposite sex or expressing unnecessary admiration on the opposite sex . it is immediately tagged by men ( who are designed to be more  sexually inclined by nature) that you are easy and so the pestering begins.
3.You dress for sex:  the first way to recognise a prostitute if you see one is by her dressing, their clothes are designed to attract, entice and seduce the men that are foolish enough to go to them. You have to realize that majority of the clothes we wear especially  are designed by men and women who don’t subscribe to Christian beliefs or values. As a rule , any cloth that cannot be worn to church if you are going to be on the stage should not be worn anywhere else. God has blessed us with wonderful shapes and figures which if exposed would not only attract the wrong crowd but undermine our professionalism, mental ability, skill and expertise. Dress like a woman leader.
4.You struggle with sexual thoughts: our thoughts are like a satellite that receives and sends out signals. If your mind is filled with sexual thoughts, you create a sexual magnetic field around you that causes the men around you who are inclined enough to pick such signals to chase you. You should check out the thoughts you encourage, meditate on and project, they may be part of the reason why you are constantly being pestered for sex. Ladies that spend their precious time reading romance novels which depict very graphic details of sex are creating an atmosphere of sex in and around them.
5.You are operating under a strange influence:  this could be as a result of foundational   issues and strongholds who are bent on sabotaging your life and destiny thereby bringing  “carnivorous “ men to derail you. For this you would need to go for deliverance to wash your head from attracting trouble to you, because with this influence your destiny, marriage would be in trouble.  
When men are chasing you left, right and centre for sex, it should not be taken as anaccomplishment instead you should look inward to solve the issue. 

Read:The Manipulative Man: Identify His Behavior, Counter the Abuse, Regain Control

Wednesday 9 January 2013



Most of the mistakes men make today are the ones they were never taught to avoid as boys.  It is inevitable, man would grow and when he does  it is usually beyond most people’s expectation, because humans are always in the habit of using a singular moment of one’s life in predicting every other period of the  person’s life, talk about mistakes men make, forgetting the fact that seasons change and so does circumstances.  Opportunity arises and status change. With hard work, time, chance, prayer and opportunity, boys become self-sufficient but time after time, they are ten crucial mistakes men make which is repeated generation after generation. Here we count them down.
10 .   THEY GET FAT: 
fat black man
Fat black man-

fat black man
Fat man-I am wearing double coated spandex

Boys after they begin to earn some money and generally leave school, begin to eat more, as they have more money to spend and most of the time their jobs deprives them of constant exercise which was normally done in school when reading, walking from one lecture theatre to the other, eating moderately and all was the order of the day. It is also pertinent to note that the African society also encourages this mistake men make, they see a man with bulging stomach as a well fed man. As a result our young handsome boys go out of shape and become heap loads of junk. This is a great mistake because the disadvantages far outweighs the advantages, apart from the fact that people may tend to respect you more because you look older than your age (fatter), you are causing great hazards to yourself and this would really begin to show when you hit 40. Apart from the general weakness ,laziness and constant sweating  associated with fat, bad breath, arthritis , high blood pressure, hypertension, muscles cramps and all would definitely shorten the life of an obese ,unfit and lazy man .This is by far the commonest and deadliest one of all the mistakes men make . Ask yourself, have you ever seen a fat old lady or a fat old man? We are talking 70s and 80s. Only in literature books, what happened to the fat ones? They are dead. The typical black man associates eating with enjoyment, most people across the world eat to stay alive and give them nutrients, but over here most people just make their meal sections a knock out section. Eat moderately, lay off alcohol and exercise. Don’t make this mistake men make.

Now I get all the love i missed in my childhood even
though i have to pay.
When boys become young men, most of them refuse to get married or as it is sometimes called “settle down”  but prefer to have string of girlfriends who would ask them for recharge cards, allowances ,vacation trips, house rents and all. They extend their bachelorhood, claiming they are trying to find the right person, or they are not ready to settle down yet. This mistake men make leads to the loss of valuable resources which would otherwise have helped build a family. Ladies always like flocking around young men for one benefit or the other and most young men, waste their time and money enjoying the attention.

childish man
The boy man- Who needs a life when you have video games?
There is a bit of immaturity in every male child. It is common to see young men, do all the things they were not allowed to do as kids, continuing in their childhood behaviours because they are now on their own. It is not uncommon to see young men who hitherto have never kept late nights, always rose up earlier, dressed moderately, used clean language , drove cars carefully, change all because there is no longer a strong parental or mentor presence. They go ahead to counter that verse that says the child that is trained in a certain way would not depart from it. This mistake men make results in the young men finally learning for themselves why they were prevented from hitherto living their lives according to their juvenile thoughts and spontaneous behaviours and even though experience is said to be the best teacher, some things (circumstances) are better,” not experienced”. Don’t make this mistake men make.
boy man
  or a wife?

7. BID FAREWELL TO SPIRITUALITY:  “ boys  would always be boys”, this statement seem to accept the shortcomings of the male and even give room for  the mistakes men make by the concluding nature of it. Boys would not always be boys, there would be a time when they would become men, and in the bible which we always reference, we read the phrase “ and I sought for a man” not a boy. Most young men make the mistake of abandoning the things of God and relieving themselves of the devotion to his word and all forms of spirituality. It is a fact that boys don’t go to places of worship as much as their female counterparts, but it becomes even worse when there is a job or a commitment somewhere else, these men would give their best in their respective jobs but become visiting Christians in church .  The problem with this is that they lose the cover and power enjoyed from continuous fellowship with God and they unconsciously expose their lives and families to danger and also let their spirit man die leading to grievous results. This is also one of the deadliest mistakes men make, forgetting the fact that man is a spirit being and we need to nurture our spirituality as much as our body.
This is also a game in Japan involving chains and a ball

6. CHANGE THEIR BELIEFS: This mistake men make is just like the previous, but it is of a different form, when boys become men, one of the greatest mistake men make is that they change their beliefs and conviction over certain germane issues. This is mainly due to the environment they find themselves, where they see people who are somewhat of a success story in their chosen career who don’t have the same principles as they do but still seem to be succeeding. So issues such as  immorality, womanising, alcohol ingestion, corporate lie telling , ruthlessness and all others like it are imbibed into their once squeaky clean personality, because since the boss is doing it, “what is good for the goose is also good for the gender?. The problem with this is that such people end up being victims of demonic oppression and soul harvesting. They miss out on God’s own  blessing for their lives  which added no sorrow.

childhood fantasies
All I want for my birthday is a big booty hoe(logram)
it is not uncommon to see young men, who waste their hard earned money on childhood fantasies and forming of new expensive habits.  This is usually fuelled by the pop culture and entertainment world motivation. It is pertinent to note that most young men are not financially wise, that includes even the ones that work in financial institutions. Instead of constant investing of excess cash, they waste them getting things they have craved for when they were much younger not knowing that their expenditure is bound to increase with the advent of a personal family. It is not uncommon to see young men who are regarded by the public as being in a well-paid job borrowing money before pay day. This is a very common mistake men make and it leads them to poverty and makes them end up as irresponsible husbands and fathers.
4. KEEP UP WITH THE JONESES: Most young men get into unnecessary rivalry and contest with friends, being the first to buy a car or spend money on an expensive item; most times it is usually done unconsciously which makes it very difficult to curb. The problem with this mistake men make is that the young man loses sense of purpose for his life and makes silly and childish decisions which leads to a lot of regrets and problems in the future.
Lust of the flesh
Lust- I know you are not right for me, but just look at you
Who cares?
one of the global errors made by the male folk is judging the opposite sex by their physical appearance.  When you go to the grocery store  to buy Apple, it is very common to pick the apple that looks fine and smooth but in some cases some of them would end up harbouring soft brown patches when eaten. That is how humans are .it would be so silly for any man to get in a relationship with any one just because of their looks or physical attributes. There is no face so beautiful that would not have wrinkles later on, likewise every other part. Every young man is to seek God’s face and find inner piece concerning his intended spouse, if God doesn't say yes don’t take them to the altar. Pray to know God’s will concerning your intended spouse and he would answer you speedily. When men marry based on lust, they expose themselves to a troubled marriage and future, because the marriage lasts longer than the lust and when what brought you together is no more. The marriage becomes a living hell. Don’t make this mistake men make.
I hope this picture is good enough to let people know i make 6 figures.
 Young men change with changing status, the male is naturally born with ego and this skyrockets when he starts getting some favourable returns in his line of business or chosen career. It is common to see young men, who listen to nobody, seeks advice from nobody and generally do things their own way. They gauge themselves by themselves for themselves. They understand not that there is nothing man has in this world that he has not been given, that the race is not for the swift but it is the Lord who shows mercy to man. They continue in their state of pride and become enemies of God, because our God , the only living God hates the proud with a passion and he brings them low, and who can save you , if God is the one bringing you down?. Another way to put this is that  the forces of nature would constantly go against the proud.

1. DEPEND ON THE ARM OF FLESH: Men are very practical creatures, and so they like being logical and realistic in all they do, but in all their logic they sometimes  leave out their lives when dealing with God. They separate their work from God not knowing that God is as concerned about their work , their life and all as much as he is concerned about their soul. So they look unto certain people for something and  leave God out of it. They rely on connections, contacts and groups for certain advancements in their lives while they look up to God only for their soul nourishment. They take up jobs, appointments, contracts and get married without seeking the mind of God, and letting God lead them in life. This is a very grievous mistake , because God created man and has the blueprint of his life with him. Man in himself doesn’t know his full potential, he only just tries to discover it day after day. God knows man’s destiny and can also direct him in what to do and what not to do.  This is totally summed up in proverbs 3: 1-8. Don’t make this mistake men make. The result of young men doing things on their own can be derived from this above passage as short life, poverty, disfavour, bad name in the sight of God and man, crooked paths , ill health and weak bones.
Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter, fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgement including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.  

Monday 7 January 2013


not to marry, marriage mistakes, doomed from the start
The Wrong One.
Never Marry
It’s every girl’s dream to one day get married to that man that would make her  happy and  make her life better. Believe it or not, marriage is a big issue when it comes to a girl's life, no matter how successful she is or how indifferent she seems to    marriage, she wants it bad. The society, and even families have actually not made it any better. So ladies of a certain age begin to worry and become anxious about wearing a ring and walking the aisle in a white dress .In the process due to poor judgement and not hearing from God, some ladies have jumped into marriages that has brought about their downfall. For the single ladies, here is a list of men   though you  met them in church or at a charity event or at the hospital waiting on sick and deformed children  or that glorious place where only good guys go to , albeit well spoken and wealthy that you should never say I DO to.

smooth operator, charming gaze
The smooth operator- I had a vision just now and it was you.. 
This brother thinks he is God’s gift to women, he is calculating, well spoken ,tactical. A smooth operator. He goes about proposing to ladies  and convincing them,  it is a special mystical attraction, something beautiful , beyond you and I, and for the very spiritual ladies ,it is the will of God, only to go back on his word when he sees another lady he believes is better than the last one. He has a sugar coated tongue and can talk himself out of any situation. "It is you not me," " i just need sometime alone to get myself together", " i don't think, i am good enough for you",  Most times he even extorts money from the ladies , promising to give it back because his check has been delayed, his clients has not paid, his dog died or  in the name of God’s will. From such, run.

pervert, baby doll husband. rape
Pervert-OMG! No Drawers, what a naughty girl?.

 To the freakish and wayward lady he may appear fun to be with, he is always talking about sexually
related topics and cracking dirty jokes, he  indulges in pornographic materials, he believes women are meant to cook and be slept with only. He believes sex is a recreation, and so pays no mind to how many partners he has had, would ask for sex  before marriage and has no plans to buy a ring but prefers a live in lover and would simply  claim it is a test of compatibility.   Most of his friends are just like him, perverts!; they  would gather after work and talk about their many victorious conquests and if he eventually decides to marry , getting married to this brother would lead you down the path of heartbreak, misery, sin and disease 

mamas boy
Mama's boy-You are the only woman i would ever truly love
This mummy's boy is in most cases a carbon copy of his mother and is tied to her Apron. All decisions have to be made by his  mother, mummy said this, mummy said that, he would constantly compare you to his mother. You would soon discover that you are married to his mother. Why you should also never get married to a man who has no regard for his mother, don’t put yourself in the bondage of having a mother in law influenced marriage. This group also includes the weakling, who cannot put his foot down but would allow all members of his family treat his wife like a foot mat, seeing nothing wrong in the disrespect of his wife by his friends, and family alike. This kind of marriage is very heartbreaking as the wife might eventually lose all self esteem and worth or be in a constant battle with her own extended family.


the workaholic man
The workaholic Man
This brother is always chasing money at the expense of having good relationship with even his family members, in some cases he may be a nice man, but his priority is first any thing that brings money even at the expense of having a good relationship with anyone even God, you would constantly feel alone in that marriage and you would have the sole responsibility of raising your kids. He would give you money but money we know is not everything. Run from the workhaholic

lonely man
The lone ranger
This Man (lone Ranger) has issues with all his family members ,  his place of work and he does things solely on his own.He is his own mentor and he looks up to nobody, he rates himself by  himself for himself. This type of man is one of the most dangerous men to marry because your life, career,     vision, everything would be at his mercies. This kind of man also tend to be abusive because they are answerable to no one but themselves.

Dictating husband
The dictator
This brother is also close  to the lone ranger, he seems to be nice and considerate sometimes but afterwards you discover that the only opinion that counts is his. His words are louder than his actions. He has his whole life planned out and you are supposed to just fit in or there would be trouble, he sees your thoughts, ideas and opinions as inferior to his. He is a vision killer. marrying you would just be something on his bucket list, then you would also need to fulfill another , which is all what he believes and wants you to be to him. He is simply a dictator not a husband.This kind of man would also occasionally hit his wife or fiancee.( Let abuse be a tie breaker in whatever relationship you are in).Sometimes this brother comes around with a  drinking addiction, or drug habit. From such flee.

Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts: Seven Questions to Ask Before and After You Marry

The Lazy man
The Lazy man
This brother is slow, always inactive ,prefers to be fed in Bed, has no focus, or clearly cut goals, has a non -chalant attitude  to everything around, finds it difficult to  keep his house, his clothes or even his car clean, tends to be disorganized and clumsy, this  lazy drone needs just about 3 helps not a wife.

The Hypocrite.
8.BROTHER FOR SHOW: This brother lives in the “notice me” world, he can do anything for people as long as it is in public and people would like him at the expense of his own family, or even himself. This is the kind of man that can take his female colleague or boss to the grocery store or Main markets to buy things while his own wife or family member would take a cab. He goes to clean other peoples’ yard  while his  is dirty because he wants to be seen and respected by the public. You would be better off being the public to this brother than being his family member.

 Love  is patient  and kind but not blind. Pray for the right man for you and also open your eyes and did we also forget to mention that only the right lady finds the right man.

RELATED POSTS: WRONG REASONS TO GET MARRIED |                                                               
                         8 LADIES TO NEVER MARRY

Friday 4 January 2013


Things to do: Bucket list: Resolutions and Personal development.
1.       Read the bible from cover to cover.
2.       Be computer literate.
3.       Learn web design. Video editing, photoshop e.t.c
4.       Learn Autodesk Softwares like maya, autocad, Matchmover.
5.       Learn Oracle,MySql, or other database systmes.
6.       Go for CCNA,CCNP.CCIE or other networking systems.
Learn Web design, Web programming.
7.       Go for management classes.
8.       Do a safety online  course
9.       Prepare your resume
10.   Apply for jobs and or a higher degree.
11.   Start working towards your marriage
12.   Learn a musical instrument, piano, guitar etc
13.   Learn a language, French, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese .
14.   Join a functional group in church, in the society, in your community and be active.
15.    Tell people about your faith.
16.   learn how to bake cakes,bread and other pastries.or make snacks.
17.   Learn computer repair.
18.   Learn Mobile Phone engineering
19.   Learn  digital and media coverage, film production and interactive media production.
20.   Learn decorations for events.
21.   Learn photography
See the world.Learn Photography.

22.   Start a business
23.   Lose weight if you are obese or get in shape i.e  visit a gym
24.   Write a book, a movie screenplay or join the editorial team and make contributions.
25.   Compose a song or songs and make a musical album.
26.   Direct a play, movie etc
27.   Take a course /seminar  in public speaking or simply read a book about it and then practice.
28.   Join a choir, band, singing group or create one.
29.   Learn bead making, arts and crafts.
30.   Learn abstract painting
31.   Learn how to sew, make clothes.
32.   Learn Electronics repair and  troubleshooting
33.   Start an online business, affiliate marketing, cash networking and pyramids.
34.   Develop your English and grammer, stop speaking English mixed with native expressions and slangs and stop saying, like 10 times in a sentence.
35.   Go on a diet
36.   Climb a mountain or run a marathon race.
37.   Join a progressive and decent youth group.
38.   Prepare for an aircraft license.
39.   Teach children.
40.   Go over all you did in Middle school and maybe college, you probably don’t know half of it for real.
41.   Learn carpentry and wood work
42.   Learn to drive a car, a caterpillar, a bike  or best of all fly a plane.                                                   43.   Learn to make your hair(barb/cut/condition/treat) without help.
44.  Turn off your computer and cell phone for  3 whole days.
46.   Start farming
47.   Raise livestock, snail farming is one of the easiest. Poultry is one of the most tasking but rewarding.
48.   Learn how to make body ornaments
49.   Go on a spiritual awakening journey of seclusion, prayer and meditation.
50.   Start paying more attention to your body, bad breath, body odor  poor dress sense, dirty language, facial blemishes  should all go.
51.   Make good new friends, human networking is very important. Don’t waste all your time on Facebook though.
52.   Invent something. Everything you see now was invented by someone, whatever you do must make life easier for the common man and must be affordable at least to an extent.
53.   Start a movement. A Positive movement that would benefit the people.
54.   Start a Charity Organisation, there are a lot of issues facing people around, you can start one to help issues.
55.    Create a product.
56.   Plant a tree, it would help the ozone layer.
57.   Acquire Real Estate.
58.   Give up all forms of addiction, and bad habits.
59.   Forgive all those who offended you, after all you also offend people don’t you, give up the grudges.

60.   Correct all wrongs that you’ve done in your life up till now, the lies you told, the exams you cheated , the wrong places you went. Stop saying nobody is perfect, you are somebody.
61.   Find out about your history, your family lineage and  where you come from , you would be surprised.
62.   Start a coaching centre or post web tutorials online, there is a lot of ignorance out there.
63.   Learn your geographical location, the tribes,towns, beliefs and history and make a documentary about it.
64.   Get Become more spiritual and desire a better knowledge of divinity. 
65.   Start an company, a ministry, an organisation or an enterprise, just make sure you don’t pull another’s down to start yours because yours too will definitely be pulled down.
66.   Break a world record, to break a world record is not that difficult and quite financially rewarding , get the recent Guinness book of records and see what you can surpass and make sure you have it on tape. Please don’t kill yourself though.
67.   Cultivate the habit of working with a financial budget, write it  down , the one you do with your head is not effective, you would need this ability throughout life.
68.   Do some voluntary work,WORK.
69.   Develop your character, be more tolerant, slow to anger, fast to think, let your words be seasoned with salt in case you have to eat them back.
70.   Develop good time management, if you are ever going to work in a corporate sector , u would need this.
71.   Teach yourself a programming language, If you studied engineering or computer science, examples are  C++, C, Qbasic, Visual Basic, java, perl, python, ruby, SQL , MATLAB, oracle, opal ,maya  there are over 160 programming language.
72.    Learn how to use more application softwares, some softwares can be found on the internet  for free. Be skilled.
73.    Start saving, the only money you have Is the one you have saved. 
74.   Take a free online course on the internet. Stop wasting all your precious time on Facebook  search online for free online course, from online educational portals like udacity.com. coursera.com and take them . there are so many good stuff on the net. But make sure its relevant and correct. You may need to pay if you want to take exams.
75.    Take professional exams,.
76.   Practice job test questions, gmat, Kaplan. Shl and a couple of others.
77.   Learn how to take care of toddlers, if you are ever going to have one.
78.   Stop all forms of bad habits , thumb sucking, nail biting, hair scratching, butt scratching, loud yawning, public farting, yelling, roadside urinating, wearing underwears (boxers) more than once before washing, teeth grinding, nose picking, talking while eating to mention a few.
79.   Develop your hidden talent, this may end up being your source of livelihood.
80.   Develop your knowledge on the "Holy spirit" .
81.   Draw your career plan  .
82.   Learn new cooking recipes and tips, I’m talking to you brothers .
83.   Change your hairstyles, develop a totally new look for yourself.
84.   Make friends with a senior citizen, never underestimate the power of tales by moonlight.
85.   Grow a garden, you can plant your own vegetables. 
86.   Write a thank you note to your parents and everyone who has contributed to where you are today, you might also want to include your exs.
87.   Get a pet but don’t use it to disturb your neighbours.
88.   Learn sign language.
89.   Start to keep a diary, of all your activites, places you went, things that happened and money spent and saved, whatever you do don’t keep records of wrongs, it’s a sin.
90.   Overcome your fears and phobias, fear of heights, snakes, insects, dogs , Nature (God) has not given us the spirit of fear, so where did it come from?
91.   Give to charity, raise money for an orphanage, a struggling family , a community
92.   Learn how to swim, this is not only for recreational purposes but also for employment and survival purposes.
93.   Have your portrait painted, it’s more fascinating than a common picture.
94.   Write down your personal mission statement, follow it and revise it from time to time.
95.   Take a martial arts class, be careful though, some use diabolic processes and this is strictly for self defense in cases of robbery and other disturbances alone.
96.    Be part of a contest in   sports, academics, literature, quiz etc and win..
97.    Take long hours  every week to think about your past, present, future. 
98.   Take a first aid course, it would come in handy.
99.   Learn how to play golf, it will take you places.
100.       Join a social etiquette class and further refine your mannerisms you can do this online. Prepare for where you are going, get the etiquettes of where you are going.
101.       Learn art and craft, mat weaving, basket weaving, clay moulding, ceramic work and wood carving  e.t.c
102.       Wear clothes that scream for attention at least once a week.
103.       Save a life , donate blood.
104.       Make the front page of a newspaper or  magazine, this is very tricky but make sure you are there for a positive cause.
105.       DIY, do it yourself, do things you normally ask or pay people to do for you.
106.       Visit a zoo and learn more about animals or just watch NAT GEO WILD.
107.       Do something that would win you an award, a state award, religious award, school award or award in your compound,  note though it’s not an award if you don’t have a certificate or a trophy to show for it.
108.  Walk to work every day for six months.
109.       Learn a new English word each day and use it judiciously the next day, that’s 365 words .
110.       Be on Tv, this is also very tricky, whatever you do be on Tv for a good course not a riot, theft or for silly television side comments.
111.Get out of your house within 5 minutes of waking up and stay out for about 6 hours.
112.       Learn to write lefthanded if you are right- handed , this has been known to increase the brain capacity, if you can get through the headaches.
113.       Learn to write your name in Chinese, you would be amazed at the beauty 
114.       Write your memoir.
115.       Pay off all your debts and determine to owe no one anymore.
116.       Visit the dentist.
117.       Visit landmarks , waterfalls etc.
118.       Build a robot from scratch.
119.       Register a business name and write a contract proposal with it then  submit to the appropriate quarters and wait for reply.
120.       Build a personal website or at least a blog and keep it updated.
121.       Sell stuff on ebay. It’s easier to buy but sell first.
122.       Start to collect artefacts and rare coins. They may be worth a fortune in future.
123.       Substitute a meal once a day for fruits only.
124.       Learn interior decoration
125.       Organize an event for yourself or for someone, take charge of all the preparation from the food to the invitation to the venue, everything and make sure it turns out well.
126.       Check your closet and give out anything you have not worn for the past six months.
127.       Do water therapy. The results will speak for itself.
128.       Change your name, there is so much more significance in a name than we know or think of. Be careful though, ensure proper documentation.

129.       Find a homeless man around and do something positive for him everyday, you may or may not approach him.
130.       start hearing from God, for direction for everything, this would make your life without stress and errors.’
131.       Develop leadership skills.
132.       Open a dormicilary account
133.       Get  rid of your credit card or get a  new one.
134.        Do all your shopping online and have it delivered to you.Buy everything with a click of a button.
135.       Give a sacrificial Gift, give something that would cost you a lot.
136.       Learn forex trading.
137.  Record yourself with a video camera for the whole day and watch it over the next few days.
138. Lay down for 10 seconds in the ground without saying a word, then get up as if nothing happened 
139. learn how to make shea butter from the shea tree , this has a high financial value in cosmetic industries in the western world if exported.
140.learn how to extract pure honey and you may want to start supplying it, pure honey is actually quite scarce  to find.
141. learn how to extract palm oil, coconut oil, garlic oil or mustard seed oil.
142. learn how to prepare all soyabean products, cake, milk, bread and fries.
143. Eat one of your daily meals while standing or sitting on the floor naked.
144.Do intermediate marketing, more like being the middle man in a business transaction,  this is what some big international companies do and they are in the fortune 400
145. visit a court hearing and see how court proceedings take place, no knowledge is lost.
146. bear witness in court, make sure you are telling the truth though
147.SHAVE, those funny looking  beards, armpits and even pubic hair, it’s time for adult hood and good grooming.
148.start using a roll-on, a deodorant or an anti-per spirant, if you weren’t before, this is much more important than perfumes because this prevents body odour.
149.Distribute self improvement or spiritual materials to people who need it.

150. visit a Spa and get a good massage and skin care, live like the rich, prepare for where you are going.
151. learn how to lay wall and floor tiles, you would be able to do this by voluntary work
152. Say hello to at least three random people everyday
153.Live alone for a month 
154. learn to play polo.

155. Develop a language code and teach people to use it only with you.
156. get new sets of underwears (boxers, pants, briefs or jockstraps  whatever  it is  that you wear), we are specifically talking to the guys.
157.Try barefoot running.
158. get an international passport, you may be leaving the country soon and you don’t even know now.
159. go on a horse back ride.

160. learn the art of negotiation, you would need it after now in almost all spheres.
161. acquire the skill of mind control, control your thoughts and imaginations. This skill is priceless. Even more priceless is the control of others’, but be careful with the latter.
162. search for international conferences that you can attend , some actually
Have free spaces for young international graduates.
163. join facebook, twitter or my space, join the internet family and connect to the world if you haven’t already done so.

164. develop a Good dress sense, start dressing well, start paying a little more attention to what you are wearing , combining colours and appearance in general ,dress for where you are going not where you are.
Turn your swag on

165. lead a team to achieve a goal even if it is to plan a send-forth party, this experience is usually requested for in the recruitment questions of blue-chip companies.
166.visit an eye doctor (ophthalmologist), you have only one pair for a lifetime. 167.  take a road trip, that is travelling continuously for at least 3 days with frequent stops.
168. Start sleeping Naked.
169. Train for the next Olympics in any game of your choice.
170. learn how to play a new game, preferably chess.  Chess is just like real life you think before you act.
171. Go for personal body check up.
172.Sleep for exactly 8 hours per day.
173. start listening to jazz music, it has something  to do with improving  memory and IQ.
174. solve the Rubik’s  cube and improve on solving time, we believe you know what a Rubik’s cube is, if not find out.
175. learn candle making.
176. learn knitting and embroidery.
177. Watch the movie the passion of the Christ.
178. Become an early riser, world greats are early risers, love not sleep, sleep and poverty are second cousins.
179. Make a huge difference in at least one person’s life.
180. Become financially literate, understand corporate finance.
181. start working towards being financially free.
182. write a letter to yourself in the future and tell yourself where you are now and how you expect to be where you would be, save it and open it then, usually a space of 5 years.
183. Become a vegetarian/vegan.

184. Go out of your way to help  a stranger, by so doing some men have helped angels but don’t go about trying to spot angels cause you may be disappointed.
186. pray everyday  for your country. Stop speaking negative words about  the country.
187.  Eat Fish only
188. Fruit fast  for 2 days , that is taking only fruits , vegetables and water  throughout, this helps you to detox.
189. Swim in the ocean at night.
190. stop gossiping, backbiting, slandering and all other forms of negative uses of the tongue.
191. write articles for newspaper, magazines  etc and send it to them, don’t stop until it gets published and when it has been published continue.
192. write a textbook, an educational material or research proposal or report for any level of education.

193. Learn animation.
194. sell your ideas on the net in an ideas’ bank, some people may have the technical know how of making that little idea into something big but don’t sell your birthright with it, be very open minded about the copyright issues.
195. learn how to type on the computer, it is so embarrassing when people  look for letters on the computer before hitting them, typists are going out of the market, every body  now has to type stuff now, increase your efficiency by learning to type.
196. increase your intelligence quotient there are lot of ways to do that, don’t let your brain cells  die you are too young to be uninformed.

197. Get wisdom, though it cost all you have get understanding.
198. Deworm, get a good deworming drug and get rid of those parasites that you are unconsciously carrying about.
199. upload something important on the net not just your pictures, don't  be someone that only takes from the internet, add to it too .
200. Learn VSAT installation .
201. Go on a Game show and win something worthwhile, this is usually a once in a lifetime experience, whatever you do make sure you don’t embarrass yourself on national television.

202. learn how to massage , this is a special skill that can earn you a lot of dough.
203. watch  stage plays(broadway) it is a lifetime experience and it is better is than film.
204. Disconnect yourself from friends that are taking you nowhere.
205. Stop eating into the the night, undigested food can be harmful to the body, in terms of causing mouth ulcers, weak abdominal muscles and too much gas in the digestive tract.
206.Check your email or facebook page only twice per day. Early in the morning and late at night.
207.Fall in love.
208.  Adopt a child.
209. start an online business, it is getting easier with a lot of aids online but don’t do anything fraudulent.
210. learn text messaging abbreviations, it was once said that no matter how much words you have to say you can fit it all in one text message that is 160 words if you know the language of text messaging abbreviations.
211. learn tye and dye.
212. drink fresh milk straight from the cow’s breast. it is very different from evaporated milk.
213. revamp old clothes  and wear them again, a scissors , a sewing machine or sewing thread and some creativity can do alot of wonders.
214. take horse back riding lessons.
215. learn the art of maturity, in response and situations, maturity would always speak volumes.

216. Learn to rollerblades 
217. Participate in an election at any level i.e contest/ campaign  for a position.
218. Develop an accent.
219. Invent a game that people can play and enjoy.
220. Learn salsa dance.

221. Make love in a forest or zoo.
222. Learn to skate board, it is actually an international sport event.
223. Learn to play tennis
224. Learn to play squash
225. Learn judo and jujitsu, only as a sport and for self defense.
226. Learn to say  hello in 50 languages.
227. Master the art of interpreting body language , this is a very vital tool .
228. Learn Esperanto (constructed language meant to serve as a universal second language to foster peace and international understanding).
229. Learn how to yodel in singing .
230. Learn how to sing in an opera.
231. witness the birth of an animal and see how wonderful nature is .
232.  visit a museum.
233. learn the game of solitaire
234.start bee farming, and produce honey.
235. learn glass blowing
236. take  up gourmet cooking.
237. learn to juggle.
238. Learn to draw shapes, people, landscapes  et al , this is believed to help develop the right side of the brain.
239. Take up calligraphy.
240. Take up quilting, Quilting is a sewing method done to join two or more layers of material together to make a thicker padded material.’

241. start knitting.
242. learn needle point embroidery design.
243.  Start the art of  scrapbooking.
244.Collect international stamps
245. Become a Wine Connoisseur, you can start in your own small way , everything  is possible.
246. Become a Cheese Connoisseur, this are things that can make  you go international.
247. Read a novel that has won a pulitzer prize in fiction. An example is the book called color purple.
248. Discover yourself, your talents, what you really want and  let people stop telling you what is good for you.
249. Learn to act within your sphere of influence and stop worrying about things which are not within your control.
250. learn how to maintain a positive attitude in the midst of criticism.
251. Learn to establish rapport with others and  Acquire persuasion skills.
252. Develop greater self-esteem and self-confidence but know the difference between arrogance , pride and self confidence.
253. Go online and open a swiss bank account.
254. Become an art and antique collector.
255.Find your soul mate
256. Own a wassily chair.

257. visit www.kiva.com or kiva. Org.
258. Join a disaster relief effort.
259. Create a youtube video, don’t do anything stupid, remember we would eventually see it.
260. write and draw a comic book .
261. Go for an audition. Please don’t embarrass yourself.
262. Name a street after yourself, this has to be done by the town planning authority
263. Become one of CNN ‘s heroes ,i.e  people changing the world in their own way.
264. Develop your intuition
265. Learn to do a back flip, a split and a tumble.
266. learn how sushi is made.
267. shave your head, let your scalp see the sunlight.
268. crash a party,i.e go uninvited, there is a funny feeling to it.

269. Challenge yourself to perform some activity every single day for 365 days straight

270.Start observing at least a 20 minutes quiet time per day.
271. Write down 5 things that you're grateful for every day, for a year
272. Go on a honeymoon.
273. Do some sort of exercise for 20 minutes, every day, for a year
274. Put some money away every single day for a year. At the end of the year, invest the money .
275. Go without watching television for 365 days straight.
276. Read for 20 minutes every day for a year
277. Give someone a surprise birthday present.
278. Start a side job.
279. Learn about the dark world 
280. Start wearing spandex if you are fat
281. Attend an auction function, and get actively involved.
282. Get a belonging of yours insured or better still go for life assurance. 
283. Learn a  song in Hebrew, greek , Spanish or Swahili, any foreign language would do .
284. learn all the ways of preparing rice.

285. Work in an autoshop.
286. Find out about Dave Gorman's Googlewhack Adventure and participate in it on the internet.
287. Read about NASA.
288.  Read your countries constitution and know your rights and entitlements as a citizen.
289. Read the road safety traffic laws and regulations, and prevent yourself from being embarrassed by the road safety officials.
290. Visit stumbleupon.com
291. Watch this video of a growing boy and marvel at how we grow, it is a video made over a period of  21 years , which takes the picture of a boy everyday for that period .
292. Explore Google earth, it is about the most detailed map of the world yet, you can zoom to actually find street names in some countries, depending on your browser.
293. Start a rumor  you would be surprised how fast stupid and erroneous information travels, Award yourself a gold star if your rumour ends up in any print or broadcast media.
294. learn how to fold clothes most especially long sleeve shirts in just about 5 seconds perfectly well.
295. visit videojug.com
296.  Travel through space in a free space simulator.
297. Learn how to make suya ( grilled meat),
298.  Create an app .
299. Discover a herb that can cure a particular disease and find ways of commercializing and packaging it.
300. learn how to make pop corn.
301. write a letter to the president, the state Governor or better yet, the president of a foreign country.
302. Try a meal you have never eaten before, and  enjoy it.
303. Learn how to do stand up comedy.
304. Find your life’s passion.
305.  Go on mountain biking, this is using a bike to climb a mountain (can be very risky though).
306. Go kayaking.
307. Learn how to ride a speed boat.
308. Learn to play table tennis, if you don’t know how to play already.
309. Learn to play badminton.
310. Learn how to play lacrosse
311. play fantasy football, but don’t get addicted.
312.  use silence therapy to calm your mind. ( take a vow of silence ) but remember, the shouting side is  the winning side (but is this always true?).
313. Learn to high dive into a pool.
314. Start a scholarship fund for you almamater
315. Watch TED talks.
316. Attend a sporting event.
317. have a day to fast and pray throughout the year.
318. Learn how poker is played and scored.
319. Read all Agatha Christie’s mystery novels.
320. Figure out your priorities in life and what truly makes you happy and find ways of achieving them.
321. Create a self study program for life long learning.
322. Improve your listening skills, putting your self in others’ shoes and giving listening feedbacks as check.
323. Revamp your wardrobe.
324. Be able to read and understand corporate balance sheets, income statements, and other financial documents
325. Create a trust fund for your children, present or future.
326. Purchase bonds.
327. Form clear picture images of things you want to do or possess.
328.Plant a herb garden.
329. Master the art of interior design.
330. Train to become a chef.
331. Work as a freelance writer for newspapers, magazines and internet blogs.
332. Become influential on a social media, i.e have a lot of followers.
333. write a cook book, introduce  delicacies to the world.
334. start work that would lead you to winning a Nobel Prize.
335. Learn how to bend a spoon with the power of your mind.
336.Create your own fragrance.
337. keep a green house.
338. learn how to make a brewed drink.
339. grow flowers
340. get a face lift . .
341.  Read extensively. Study things that you are not supposed to study.( things outside your area of study).
342. invest in the stock market.
343. start work on creating passive income for the future.
344. work on making a big breakthrough  in science and technology or even the arts.
345. Learn how to bend a spoon with the power of your mind.
346. Pray for the nations of the world , starting from your own nation.
347. Make an ebook and sell it to an online store
348. know your blood status, blood group, genotype and HIV status.
Blood status, Blood Group.,Genotype,HIV

349. Detoxify
350. Quit a job, you hate.
351. start using only Natural products or Natural supplements for all products you use, eg, use , aloe vera or banana peels cream instead of Vaseline creams etc.
352. learn the azonto dance .

353. learn how to improve your memory of events, facts, figures, dates, faces and names etc
354. practice a completely refined sugar free diet , so  soda drinks, ice cream and everything edible thing that comes in a wrapper would have to go, instead eat fruits, and cooked foods.
355. learn discipline and will power, control yourself more , so as to prevent external control.
356. spear head a cause that would help humanity. E.g such as saying no to child labour, human trafficking, exam malpractices, corruption, there is a lot of causes that needs attention in your environment If you would only lift your eyes from yourself and dare to look around.
357. join a political party . our leadership system is what we have allowed it to become. If you feel there is something wrong , then shut up and do something about it.
358. study the life of an important person , everything you can lay your hands on about that person, people like bill gates, oprah winfrey, steve jobs. Nelson mandela, mahatma gandi, Daniel olukoya, Joel Osteen etc.
359. Build a habitat for humanity home.
360.start yoga, you can find training  videos on youtube.
361. go camping
362. read the book a course in miracles.
363. make a home version of a very popular product.
364.Sit on a jury.
365. Share this list.