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Friday 21 June 2013

Role of a Father

What exactly are the roles of a father?
Below are the roles of a father;

father, Lifestyle, role of a father1. Good Example

A father is like a book his kids read,a film his kids watch and a mascot whose  actions and deeds are emulated consciously or unconsciously. The role of a father is to be a good example in character, in conversation, in  actions and deeds... Live an exemplary life.Don't forget child training has more to do with your lifestyle than what you tell them i.e it has more to do with what they see than what they hear, that is why you must be a good example to them.
father, Lifestyle, role of a father
Now you know, he's gonna shave those pubes off his head.

2. Spiritual Leader

The role of a father is to help his kids develop a sense of spirituality which would subsequently help in leading a responsible and discreet life. 'The fear of God, they say is the beginning of wisdom'.
father, Lifestyle, role of a father
Be mindful not to transfer religion but faith 

3. Provider

A father should be the  bread winner of the house, or at least the one that brings the jam to go with the bread.It is  a  responsibility , if you have to be force by to pay child support  then you cannot call  yourself a father.
Provide them food, shelter and clothing. The best thing, however is the provision of quality education and skill acquisition. A man whose kids have no education or skills has failed in his role as a father, no matter how much money he spends on them.
father, Lifestyle, role of a father
It doesn't count if you are feeding a sleeping  baby

4. Protector

It is the role  of a father  to protect his family. Protect them from the  vices of this world, stand up and defend your family when necessary. A man once died while trying to prevent armed robbers from raping his wife, he said i can't watch it happen, i'll rather die, he killed two of them, before he was shot dead and they were unable To rape the woman. The wife said 'my husband died a hero', and she would never forget that. That family will forever be proud of their father, that is a real Father!Render selfless service to your family.

father, Lifestyle, role of a father
This is like the coolest dad in the world

5. Instructor

Being an instructor is one of the roles of a father. The free fall life leads to destruction. Life has a set of rules and principles to live by, at a young age, a father is to instill this principles in his kid.
father, Lifestyle, role of a father
Always remember, you must not date an american  but a chinese girl and you  must learn the kung fu.

6. Playmate

It is not only your wife you have to play with, also play with your kids. Take time  out to take strolls , play games,  take them out to the cinemas,  take them shopping, spend vacations  together because those moments would be cherished for life.Don't forget the birthdays, the graduations, the first day at school, Christmas, that's what creates fun memories.
father, Lifestyle, role of a father
nice dad.


The greatest gift a father can offer his children is to love their mother. Love  your kids and their mother, be a good listener, let them feel the fatherly warmth and embrace.

  A friend once said,
"I remember  a day, i was mad at my dad and i refused to come home, it was getting late and he was concerned, i refused to pick his calls, then he sent me a text telling me how much he loves me, he pleaded that i should come home so we can settle. I read the text  and tears flowed freely down my cheeks and then i returned home. When i got home he embraced me and said he was sorry, i was like i love you too dad.... I still have that text on my phone, read it about a thousand times, i still  cherish it."
" Say the  three magical words, i  love you,  it works like magic.

father, Lifestyle, role of a father
Now you know, you are going to be back in the hospital very soon.
Fathers, your child needs you, your wife needs you, your family needs you, and the society needs you. The kids make up the family, the family in constitute the society, our society defines the Nation and the world at large.
The role of a father is to a responsible father, a point of reference and most of all someone your family is proud of. Read 52 Things Kids Need from a Dad: What Fathers Can Do to Make a Lifelong Difference