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Saturday 22 June 2013

Apps For Fitness

Technology is here to stay and to make life easier and better.  The world of apps is also here to stay. The word app itself was regarded as the word of the year in 2010 by the American dialect society. There are over 2 million apps in the world right now and these apps have  been downloaded  over 100 billion times.  There are apps for relationships , apps for productivity and also apps for fitness. These apps for fitness hope to help people achieve their goal of total body fitness and healthy living.
Here are the most common apps for fitness.

1. Nike Training Club:. 

 This app for fitness is geared towards women, because as far as fitness is concerned women are the ones who need help most . It offers you a personal trainer and tips from professional athletes and celebrity trainer. It is one of the best app for fitness that you  would find in the app store plus it has a big brand name backing it up.  The variety it offers and flexibility with setting music to your workouts is awesome.

2. Couch to 5K.:

 This app won the 2012 Appy Award for best Healthcare & Fitness App and it purports to take anybody from being a couch potato to running 5 kilometres without literally breaking a sweat. It comes with a music player, workout recorder , progress tracker.  Best features for this fitness app includes  Playing your music playlist,. Voice commands work great, Also visual commands,. Does not crash at all.

3. Pocket Yoga :

 This is an app for fitness that deals basically in yoga poses, terms led by yoga instructors with varying levels of difficulty and duration.  It is very effective for weight loss, total body fitness as advertised on CNN.

This app centers on calorie counting to achieve weight loss . This app for fitness was developed by It contains over 1.3 million foods and restaurant items by the calories and helps you to keep a daily calorie intake watch , it also has a weight loss tracker  and even a free online service.

5. Cardio : 

This app purports to tell you what your heart rate is and you can compare it to that of somebody else or a celebrity . it is based on a new research from MIT Medical Media center that interprets your heart rate simply the way light is refracted on your face in photos taken by your  phone.

6. Fitness buddy:

 This app is actually a fitness buddy, it offers over 1700 exercises with detailed descriptions and animations , body metrics tracking and fitness companion. It however doesn't come with the motivation and the strength to do those exercises.

7. You are on your own gym:

 This fitness app tells you the truth which the others don’t, you are on your own. It however comes with a free video pack to show you what to do based on a best selling book with over 200 excercises to achieve maximum fitness.

8. Adidas micoach: 

This fitness app offers voice coaching while tracking workouts using GPS with over 400 built in exercises  It of course tells you when you need to buy new adidas shoes.

9. Fitbit.

The fitbit systems helps to count calories, log weight, track personal metrics such as blood pressure, glucose levels , heart rate, sleep using a personal activity tracker in the fitbit system. The app is part of the whole fitbit system which you can use take yourself to ultimate fitness. It also comes with a web intergration.
This app for fitness  uses game-like stats to serve as a motivation to work out. It is also very interactive and has a community presence. You can always post your excuses for not working out and chances are there would be someone that shares the same excuse.

There you have it, now there is no reason , not to be fit.