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Wednesday 19 June 2013


Ways to die, Health,Okay, I know you are young and you have your whole life ahead of you and death is just  not anywhere in the picture. Same with all the people who died in the ways I am about to share. Apart from growing old to a ripe age, tripping under a bus, suicide, bomb blast, getting jack knifed, catching a stray bullet, hurricane, earthquake or being assassinated. Here are more common ways to die and why you are more likely to die by at least one way.


This is a very broad term for diseases affecting the heart and it’s  blood vessels. This is the leading cause of death worldwide for midlife adults and it’s increasing at a very fast rate in low and middle income countries. Chances are you know at least one person who has died of heart failure, stroke, cardiac arrest or hypertensive heart disease. This is the commonest  of the ways to die.While it doesn't occur until late in one’s life, the symptoms are antecedent and heart disease prevention  has to begin at childhood based on a recent study  examining the cadavers of 760 teenagers. Genetically, you might be susceptible to heart disease but you can also go ahead and choose this way to die by having high serum cholesterols ( high concentration of LDL particles)  due to absence of whole grains and fruits and vegetables in your meal or cultivating habits like smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, lack of adequate sleep or physical activity and exposure to pollutants. Shortness of breath, having irregular heart beats, mild pain under the breast bone,light headedness and erectile dysfunction in men are symptoms that point to this way to die. To bail out on this way to die, use fresh herbs,eat black beans,salmon, tuna, eat extra virgin oil,walnuts, almonds, tofu, sweet potatoes, cherries, carrots  and cayenne chilli pepper.

Further reading: Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease: The Revolutionary, Scientifically Proven, Nutrition-Based Cure



This is also a very broad term for over 200 ailments which are basically tumors growing uncontrollably in the body and attaching to internal organs and damaging them. There were an estimated 12.7 million cancer cases around the world in 2008. The number is expected to rise to 21 million by 2030 with Denmark having the highest recorded cases of 0.3% in the country's entire population. This way to die is 5% hereditary and the other increased by the consumption of tobacco, alcohol, certain infections,radiation, lack of physical activity, obesity, and environmental pollutants. Shortness of breath, chronic cough and chest pain, constant abdominal pain, difficulty swallowing, swollen lumps or lymph nodes, rectal bleeding or blood in stool , swollen breasts ( when you are not pregnant or have taken any steps to make your boobs bigger ), sores and skin lumps that don’t heal and nails becoming pale are just few symptoms that point to the fact that you may be choosing this way to die.

Further Reading:Cancer: 50 Essential Things to Do: 2013 Edition


This is a growing epidemic world wide. It  is a group of metabolic diseases in which a person has high blood sugar, either because the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or because cells do not respond to the insulin that is produced. This way to die is of two kinds, the type 1 which is partly inherited and not based on lifestyle but still requires an environmental trigger and the type 2 which is mostly due to an environmental trigger. You would must likely choose this way to die if a close member of your family has Type 2 diabetes (parent or brother or sister).You're overweight or if your waist is 31.5 inches or over for women; 35 inches or over for Asian men and 37 inches or over for white and black men. You have high blood pressure or you've had a heart attack or a stroke.You're a woman with polycystic ovary syndrome and you are overweight. You've been told you have impaired glucose tolerance or impaired fasting glycaemia. If you're a woman and you've had gestational diabetes or you have severe mental health problems.

Further Reading:The First Year: Type 2 Diabetes: An Essential Guide for the Newly Diagnosed

Remember the best way to die is to die at an old ripe age.