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Sunday 6 October 2013

Male Genital Painter

Male Genital  painter( Pricasso).
male genital odorIf all you do with your male genital is to pee and pong, then you are probably not utilizing all it’s potential. According to pricasso, the Australian painter that paints with his male genitals( penis) , balls and buttocks and he probably doesn’t have to worry about male genital odor or what some people call testicle odor.
The 63 year old man named Tim Patch but mostly known as pricasso because of what he has been able to do with his penis. At 63, he probably has little use for the penis aside from peeing and so painting seems to be something he could possible do with the limp shaft. He paints celebrities mostly and even has a Wikipedia page, a website and probably a personal assistant. He once appeared on a German television talent show, in which he painted a female portrait. The dumb female judge voted it down , trying to act like she was a prude but the other male judges didn't buy into her hypocrisy and he was put through.


male genital odor

Of course, there has been a lot of criticism as with any thing that has to do with the male genital, some art galleries in Johannesburg  South Africa refused to associate  themselves with any of his work. Pricasso, makes his own paint because normal paints contain lime which would erode the skin. He makes his paint water based and rubs his penis , testicles and balls with Vaseline before dipping them in paint to avoid any penis irritation. He also washes clean with  male genital wash to ensure that his balls don’t smell like fish.
His art was once described as “sexting the canvas”. He has since performed in exotic shows which have had it’s share of protests . Pricasso thinks, he is as good as anyone with a brush and even quicker.
male genital odorNow, using your male genital  to poke a wall with paint dripping out of it might not be something anyone would want to do, except of course you are one of those dumb dudes on reality televisions but this might actually result in male genital enlargement. The male genital being held for hours and used in a completely different way would definitely need a little bit of tissue adaptation to the new task. This would make the male genitals thicker, longer and of course more adhesive to paint.
Issues like male genital odor would be non existent because, the painting is mostly done in the nude and the genital area is washed after each job. This might even boost the man’s sexual stamina in ways we can only imagine since we don’t have any scientific proof . A better proof of merit to the male genital painting would have  being provided by a lady who wants her  real ovaries painted but so far, no woman has been directly associated with him. This is not to say he isn't getting laid, because in the world of today , all you need to do is to make yourself different, and someone would talk about you and you would get laid.
male genital odor, pricasso
And like every other thing in the world, pricasso was inspired to start this in 2005 while watching a  program called puppetry of penis on television. His first painting was done in the urinal with his urine to draw a smiley face.

Here is an NSFW video of pricasso at work.

Lessons we have learnt from this include

       1.The male genital has unfathomable power and uses beyond our imagination
       2. Some dreams take off in the urinal.
3  3.  Everybody has something that they have, that would make them successful and sometimes it may be the genitals.