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Tuesday 8 October 2013

How to Handle a Cheater

how to handle a cheater. 

Whether you are male or female it is heart breaking to discover that your partner has been cheating on you. There are many ways in which you can handle this depending on the situation.
If you just caught your loved one cheating and you need to confront them it is best to take some time away before doing so. This will help you keep calmer and reduce any chances of fights.  Like on the show cheaters, the  person cheated upon already knows their partner is cheating and so knows what to do or in most cases doesn’t. They keep saying the same dumb line like “ how could you do this to me?” and  filling the air with curse words which gets bleeped out and makes the show like something meant for the deaf. The worst that can happen to someone being cheated on is to find the cheater and then put up a sob story and afterwards regret you didn’t say the right things or act the right way. There is a name they call people who throw tantrums when they catch a cheater, they are called, Losers in Love. You might consider taking a walk. It is not recommended that you drive if you are in a heightened emotional state. The worst thing you can do is to just act stupidly on impulse. You should instead go and plan on how to handle the cheater, so that maybe next time, they’ll think before they cheat.

Now here is a job well done!

 When this happens one of two things will take place: either you will talk through the issue and agree to work on it but stay together or you will be unable to stay with them and you will have to leave.
 If you are married and planning to divorce your spouse, you would need substantial evidence to nail the bastard in court  and that is if you live in a developed country, so instead of just going off in a rant, plan instead.
Way to go girl!
You might considering writing a letter instead of ranting and looking pathetic and pitiful. You can even hire someone to help put your letter in perspective. You can make a breakup video and earn some money if it goes viral. In order for you both to stay you will need to consider ways to improve communication. If you can accept that this cheating was a one-time incident and it will never happen again  then you may consider staying with your partner.  But bear in mind if this is what happens it is up to you to try and forgive your partner amidst the loss of trust and pain of heartbreak—you cannot just make them pay for their single mistake for the duration of the relationship.
If you are ready to do the time, you might go find a weapon and probably put them down through the  door of a looked bathroom door .
Be open and honest in your communication. Start by asking them why the cheating took place. There are many reasons someone might cheat but knowing why can be a big step in helping you to heal. You should then consider if the reason they cheated was in part because of some issue in your relationship. This is hard but it is often the case. If you stopped having sex because you were busy with a work promotion it may have had a bigger effect on your loved one than you realized. What might have seemed like weeks may have actually been months. Perhaps communication stopped between you too or you both let your physical appearance dwindle. We hate to admit it but physical appearance does matter a bit. Your spouse or partner may still love you for you but that does not mean that letting yourself go physical will still turn them on. You  have to be careful here because cheaters can be very cunning and manipulative and might eventually find a way of blaming the whole thing on you and you would foolishly fall for the lie. Perhaps the issue is something bigger such as a pattern of bad behavior or personal depression. Whatever the reason it is important that if you talk it out with them you actually listen. You may be surprised what you hear.

Taking down the other person who you partner cheated with  is the dumbest thing to do. You have no business with that person and for heaven’s sake, it might have even been anybody if you are dealing with a serial cheater.
 If you need to take breaks during the conversation because of frustration then do so. It is better that you take breaks than stand around and let your anger bubble and overflow.
If you are unable to work through these issues with communication and patience then unfortunately cheating may be the end of the relationship. You will break it off and this can be just as messy as learning to deal with the issues. You should communicate that you are unable to remain with your partner and take the steps necessary to end the relationship. For some this may be as easy as walking out the door while for others it means legal paperwork and searching for a new home.
No matter which you decide it is important that you make sure to take care of yourself emotionally. Both situations are difficult to say the least. It is not the end of the world, people cheat on people everyday even as you read this, someone is cheating on someone right now , so make sure you come out of this or stay in it with your head up. If you come out of it though, you would have done the right thing, 95% of the time.

Read :How to Catch Your Cheating Spouse: Prove Infidelity without a Shadow of a Doubt