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Wednesday 31 July 2013

How to make long distance relationships work

relationship, Long distance relationship,How to make long distance relationship work.
No one ever plans for a long distance relationship or wishes for it. It just happens. Chances are that the one you love would leave you and move away to school, to work ,on a missionary trip or to war. True love transcends distance and because you won’t have the opportunity of seeing the person you are in a relationship with everyday, doesn't mean you should call it quits. Long distance however puts your relationship to test, as it affords each participant the opportunity to assess the whole relationship vis a vis the relevance of the other partner. If you have decided to keep your relationship, then here are ways to make long distance relationship work, otherwise you should be reading how to get over your ex.

1. Watch Television/Movies Together:

 This is the most common advice given to people in long distance relationships. Watching television programmes together and talking about them afterwards or during commercials would erase the distance between both of you. The challenge here however is finding that Television show that you both enjoy without sacrifice or pretense. The television show has to be something  you would normally watch together. You can also pick a book to read together, a religious book like the bible, a self improvement book like 7 habits of highly effective people or a dumbed down blog .You can also take an online course together or watch youtube videos together in sync.

2. Use Relationship Apps: 

There are lots of apps made specially for people in long distance relationships. A love device known as pillow talk is about the best device made for long distance relationships as it transmits the heartbeats of the partners to each other and they can simply go to bed feeling like their partner is right there with them.

3. Send e-cards, text messages and postcards: 

Long distance relationships are usually the most romantic for people who know how to put their true feelings  into words that exaggerate them. Luckily there is the internet , the 8th wonder of the world, where you can jack off romantic words and send to your partner on a daily basis. There is however a chance that both partners would jack off poems and messages from the same site.  You can also send e-kisses.These activities should not be confused with skype messaging, phone calls and web chats. These are necessities. Best of all ,you can use and send emails in your own handwriting.

4. Play online games together:

 Words with friends is an app that you can use for playing games online together in a long distance relationship.

5. Cook the same dishes:

 Make the same meals, you can help each other with the recipe and enjoy the meal together.

6. Sing Karaoke together: lets you make a duet , if you sing at the same time and even records videos as well if you use your webcam.

7. Make wax molds of your hands: 

Instead of dipping candles, make molds of your hand  and send to your partner, so you can hold hands at all times. You can also make life-size pictures of each other, if the wax molds was not creepy enough.

8. Use the same routine: 

Wake up at the same time and go about all your daily routines in sync. 

There are so many ways to make long distance relationships work, but they only work if they were meant to be in the first place. Distance is one of the ultimate strength tests of relationships.
The video below is an advert of a telecommunication company in Africa, it illustrates how to make a long distance relationship work.

If your partner has gone to war, you may not be able to do any of the above together, all you would both do is to keep faith and exchange letters.