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Tuesday 29 January 2013

BURNT BRIDGES- The Fired Porn School Teacher Story

stacie halas , fired California porn teacher
Stacie Halas, porn Teacher

Stacie  Halas had woken up early this morning. she was always alert, she maintained a healthy lifestyle, exercised  and was always in high spirits. Apart from the twitching in her left eye probably from gulping down all that green tea, in the last few days, she was good. For the first time in her life , she liked what she saw in the mirror, she was finally getting it together. The more matured look she always wanted. There was more to this look, than time, she wasn't behind on her rent, her flat was clean and tidy, just the way she wanted it and those  humming sounds in the basement was gone. Although she had still not gotten over her ex who left her out and dry things were definitely beginning to look up.

Today was going to be a busy day, there was an assembly at eight, a third period science class and a lesson plan to  submit. Those were basically work overs, just time consuming, she was on top of her job, she was one of the best science teachers in Haydock Intermediate School in Oxnard.
The thought of driving to school again was overwhelming, her car had been repossessed twice and she had had to take the bus. Everything was a blessing, there were lessons she had to learn, she had to finally get her head out of her ass and not expect the world to revolve around her. Now the world was revolving and she had found herself in it's stride.

Assembly was a breeze, the usual casual half hearted greetings among staff members, the principal being an epitome of a logorrhea patient and the obnoxious teens trying to draw attention to themselves. High school is basically the same , the only difference now from when she was a student was now, there were so many more laws and restrictions and the parents are much more involved , even though it hasn't really improved the standard of education, no thanks especially to the "no kids left behind " initiative and the fact that more and more kids want to be pop sensations. They seem to be more interested in the things beyond the class room walls.

porn teacher fired from school
Coming to her class, she couldn't have missed the profanity inscribed on her class room window,it was conspicuous and she knew it was done by her students and targeted at her. "someone had seen something", she knew immediately. She knew this day would come but she didn't know it would be this way, standing helpless in front of giggling fourteen year olds, who has violated the age limit for certain videos on the Internet.

Within the next few days things spiralled down, students had reported to their parents, parents had contacted the school, fellow teachers had downloaded profane videos on their smartphones, thousands of distress calls had been received and finally a sack letter was delivered and it read,

" Dear Mrs stacie halas,
Due to the recent discovery that you have once indulged in  pornographic activities which was not disclosed to the school at the time of your employment , it is pertinent to note that your engagement in pornography is incompatible with your responsibilities as a role model for students of this school, To this end, we regret to say that your employment has been terminated with immediate effect. Kindly submit all relevant documents in your possession to the vice principal".

It was  between just 8 months, six years ago at a time where she felt she had no choice, but it had come to hunt her down. she is presently appealing, claiming it was not illegal and it should be a credit to her that she is able to bounce back but she is presently not winning.The decisions we make each day affect our future in ways we might never comprehend.

This is just one in the millions of stories of how former porn stars try to adjust to life after porn ends.