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Saturday 26 January 2013


What is a  marriage license?.

A marriage license is a document issued, either by a church or state authority, authorizing a couple to marry. 
marriage license
Marriage license
drivers license
Drivers license
 A driver's license is an official document which states that a person may operate a motorized vehicle, such as a motorcycle, car, truck or a bus, on a public roadway.
Below are 10 differences between the two.
¨ A Driver’s License  is obtained to move any vehicle  for a period of 4 years but a  marriage license  is used to “move” only one  person until death do them part. It is more like having a license to drive only one car, not only does the car belong to you, it also bears you name, while this makes marriage look like a dead end adventure. Marriage is one of the greatest things in life, if done in the right way with God's laid down principles.
¨  A driver’s license expires after 4 years  and most be renewed but a Marriage license lasts for life even after divorce, death is the only thing that do them apart. What is marriage, marriage is a promise and oath made by two willing parties before God to stay with each other, love and nurture each other till death do them part, while some marriages have gone on record for lasting 6 hours to 72 days, it is pertinent to note that even a divorce does not necessary render a marriage license null and void, that is why you should never jump into marriage. 


¨ For ladies a marriage license would change your name , group and sometimes even your location, this is not so for a driver’s license.The drivers license would simply help you move yourself from place to place.
¨ A driver’s license is country specific, in some countries, even state or province specific ,  that is license can't be used in another state or country different from the one in which it was issued. but, a marriage license is for all weather, all places , all countries. Well except of course the unnatural kinds of marriages which are being criminalized in some countries or simply not recognized in others. 
¨ A driver’s license  is for one person whose face appear on the card, a marriage license is for two whose faces do not appear on the card but have hundreds of people or  at least one to bear witness to the issuance.
¨ A driver’s license can only be issued to persons above 17, for a marriage license age is just a number whether high or low.Although it is outrightly uncalled for, for a marriage to be conducted between willling or non willing parties under the age of 18. This is not permissible in some countries but a practice in others, ever heard of the word" Child brides"
¨ To obtain a driver’s license, a man or woman is supposed to test drive , though as we have come to know, this is not obtainable in some countries, especially African Countries but for a marriage license “test driving” is a sin in religious circles and is not a guarantee to marriage in secular circles. 
¨ While a driver’s license is a standard form of identification, a marriage license isn’t.
¨ A marriage license is issued after a promise to love, hold and cherish but a driver license is issued even if you are  going to end up bashing your car. There is no promise to protect or care for your car, as long as you have indicated that you understand the laws governing driving in that country. While you could get yourself arrested for disobeying the driving laws , there is no immediate close-up monitoring to ensure that you are fully adhering to the marriage vows that you swore.

¨ With a valid driver’s license, the road safety marshals would leave you alone but even with a marriage license you cannot be guaranteed to be left alone by people who “want to reap where they did not sow”, the unmarried, the greedy and the lustful. Marriage is not a way of getting away from " the chasers". That you have to handle yourself.

MARRIAGE WITHOUT A LICENSE: A Completely Moral Alternative to Civil Marriage