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Thursday 17 April 2014

Lose weight fast

Surefire way to burn fat and lose Weight.
Lose weight fast, foods that help you lose weight, Health, Chances are you are trying to lose weight or stay fit and you have started starving yourself or just thinking about it, either way, here are some tips that  would help you burn fat and lose weight.

The very first thing you need to do is calculate your body mass index , to see if you are underweight or overweight. Use the formula
BMI = ( Weight in Pounds / ( Height in inches x Height in inches ) ) x 703
BMI = ( Weight in Kilograms / ( Height in Meters x Height in Meters ) )
Based on your answers and this chart, you should easily find where you belong.
Lose weight fast, foods that help you lose weight, Health,
This could be you , in a few years time

Adults BMI:
< 19.1
< 20.7
in normal range
19.1 - 25.8
20.7 - 26.4
marginally overweight
25.8 - 27.3
26.4 - 27.8
27.3 - 32.3
27.8 - 31.1
very overweight or obese
> 32.3
> 31.1

This chart and the BMI methods have been recently criticized as inaccurate, but until we find a better replacement,  we are still sticking to this.

Depending on your exercise, you might actually gain weight if you are trying to build muscles, but you would feel your pants become freer as well as your shirts, if you are really burning fat. Now here are some things you need to do based on personal experiences to burn fat and lose weight. 

1. Cut down on calorie intake. Consume less calories than your body burns. Calculate your daily calorie expenditure here and go 300 calories below it, leaving a cheat day where you maintain the calorie amount. Have four meals per day, spaced between four hours.  To achieve your calorie goals, you would need to replace salad dressings, chicken skins and egg yolks with almonds, flank, wild salmon and avocados.(You probably already know this)

2. Reduce the amount of carbs you eat, in order to reduce insulin which is a by product of carbs and is a fat storage hormone. This can be achieved by replacing every thing white from your meal, white rice, white flour, white bread, white potatoes with brown rice, wheat flour etc. Eat protein more, the body burns more calories processing protein than it does , processing carbs and fats.

3. Have a balanced diet all the time, instead of gulping down some sugary drink or soup. Mix your protein, with vegetables and carbs and eat them. Take young coconut water, when you can before a meal, it has very good skin glowing effects and also helps to curb your appetite and sugar cravings. Take proteins when you are about to sleep instead of foods high in carbohydrates. Eat your last meal 4 hours before bed. This is to ensure that the growth Hormone (GH), which the body produces during the first hour of sleep that helps burn fat is not inhibited by carbs.

4. Go to bed on an empty stomach and a capsule of Nitric oxide. It would produce a surge in GH levels and would increase the pump in your excercises. This should be taken before bed on an empty stomach , otherwise you would have just wasted $30.
5. All white carbs should be eaten only after an intensive workout, most trainers recommend eating 6 meals per day, but most people eventually end up over shooting their calorie limits with 6 meals, feeling sleepy and bloated all the time  and eventually gaining weight and losing no fat.

6. Do your workouts on empty stomachs, it opens up your reserves and  burns your fat storage. Also take time once in two weeks to empty your glycogen stores by fruit fasting with a particular fruit like apple or mango, eliminating all carbs from your food for the whole day.

7. Drink protein shakes, do cardios in the morning, wear fitted clothes , walk barefoot in the grass sometimes and if you still don’t become trim and fit, then call weight watchers
Use this guy as your motivation. Just keep your eyes on the breast flap, and tell yourself, someday, that flap could be mine.

Lose weight fast, foods that help you lose weight, Health,
Or just continue to down those super greasy
burgers #YOLO #FuckWeightLoss#TheBiggerThe Better.