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Monday 3 March 2014


uganda be kidding me
Okay, Uganda  has finally passed an anti gay law which is about the only thing that has kept Uganda in the news. Uganda had to do this immediately after Nigeria passed theirs, giving little time to see what would happen as regarding aids from the west being threatened.
Uganda  receives an  annual aid of $420 million which is now being threatened to be withdrawn. The president before signing the bill had found it difficult to convince the religious bodies to hold up on the  issue. This whole gay craze in central Africa is actually ludicrous because gays are a very distant minority who have already been driven to the ground by cultural and religious communities, but it is suddenly taking center stage amongst all the  important issues  and problems that pledge most predominantly black African countries. Problems like infrastructure, education, electric power and pollution.

 Uganda be kidding me because Uganda has 99 problems and gays are not one of them. Once caught or suspected in Uganda, you would most likely be attacked and   if eventually tried, sent to prison for 14 years and life imprisonment for repeat offenders. It is however not clear, if these homosexuals would be placed in same sex prisons or placed in opposite sex prisons, because the joke would be on Uganda, if two male homos are arrested and sent to jail in the same prison or to men who have been deprived conjugal visits for a very long time. #Orgies be going down in Uganda prisons.

The gay romance of African Leaders is however mostly linked to a plot to play on the religious sentiments of the people while diverting them from the immerse corruption and  wastefulness going on in the corridors of power in African countries. These laws would also lead to jungle justice which is also a major problem that no one seems to address in most African countries .

Just a day after the law was signed, 200 names were printed in a magazine called red pepper claiming all these people are gay. It is really ludicrous because it is quite  difficult to predict someone's  sexuality except you have been in bed with them. So the source of those names should also be questioned because it should take a gay to know one. But as we all know, take education away from people and give them religion and  throw a little bit of poverty in the mix and you would have taken all their power. 
You can say that the press is also trying to make some money out of the people  during this time by issuing out tabloid like stories , to boost sales.
Well, the effect of the draconian law as described by the west is already having effect on Uganda. A recent $90 million loan from the world bank has just been stalled. The world bank has said, the loans would be blocked. The loans were originally meant for the healthcare system. Norway and Denmark has also frozen their aids to Uganda due to the bill which also condemn blow jobs. The law has also affected Uganda currency as it dipped 2.9% within the first week.  While gays in Nigeria are not smiling, citizens in Uganda are yet to comprehend what just hit them, although some leaders still insist that the west can keep their aids. Uganda be kidding me.