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Thursday 30 January 2014

Ways to get rid of Man Boobs

Ways to get rid of man boobs.
get rid of man boobs,gynecomastia
Except you are Simon Cowell, chances are that you have man boobs and you want to get them out. Man boobs take a lot away from the Alpha Male, the  King size Marlboro Man  who the ladies love( he’s dead by the way due to excessive smoking, karma’s a bitch). Breasts or Boobs in the first place has everything to do with feminism. All foetus are usually female within the first eight weeks of the pregnancy period, until the Y chromosomes comes to play. Having breasts for men is the ultimate sign for that, now having those boobs grow and become subtle and protrude out of a fitted  designer shirt is a sign that nature is playing a big joke on you, everyone is laughing and pulling away and you shouldn't  take it lying down, you've got to get rid of man boobs. The multiple names that exist for this piece of nature’s joke make it even funnier. You hear, man boobs, male breasts, man breast, moobs, man tits, moobies, chesticles, man titties or in rear cases the real biological names pseudogynecomastia or gynecomastia.

Why do you have man boobs?

There are several reasons why man boobs appear, some of which are
1. Hormonal Imbalance
2. Excessive Fat
3. Symptoms of  Health Problems
4. Drug use.

Hormonal Imbalance occurs during Puberty or as a result of taking body building stimulants (Androgen) or some kind of exposure to estrogen. Most breast growth during puberty soon disappear except there is a continuous exposure to androgen and estrogen. Such estrogen exposure might be from foods containing phytoestrogens and xenoestrogens which include soy and dairy products, some herbs like thyme and licorice including those used in shampoos like tea tree oil  and some fruits like apples. Soy Products especially, are the culprit here. Klinefelter's syndrome , a benign condition where the human male has an extra X chromosome falls under this man boobs causes. The man in this case has an (XXY) as against (XY) and that is simply being 34% less of a man and more of a woman. 

Obesity, among all other side effects that it comes with comes with man boobs. When you are fat everything with the exception (and detriment) of your penis is fat including your boobs. The health implications of being obese are very obvious, everything eventually leading to death and creating a whole lot of extra work for the funeral home and extra charges for your loved ones due to super sized coffins and extra grave space. Obesity is a killer, it will rob you of your fun, your comfort and your life. Man boobs due to fat is known as pseudogynecomastia.

Testicular cancer might also be the cause of man boobs or gynecomastia. This is usually accompanied by heaviness in the scrotum, dull ache in the abdomen, lower back pain, tenderness of breasts , discharge and a host of other symptoms. It is important to see a doctor in case, man boobs are accompanied with heaviness or swelling of the nuts sack. It just might be testicular cancer and the earlier it’s discovered, the easier it would be to nip it in the bud. Other health issues such as kidney failure,liver failure etc also have gynecomastia as symptoms.

Drug use is also one of the leading causes of man boobs. Marijuana would get you high and also make your breasts pop and sag although snoop dogg and wiz khalifa seems to have thrown this medical postulate in the dustbin, there are still a few people around who are living testimonies to this. Other s such as heroin, alcohol, ampthetamines, valium, methadone, some antibiotics and even chemotherapy can result in gynecomastia.
A blood test or mammogram is the best way to actually determine the cause of gynecomastia .
Old Age would also result make your boobs sag just take a look at 

How do I get rid of man boobs?

1. Boost Testosterone
Estrogen related causes can be eliminated by  engaging in testosterone boasting activities such as  taking Zinc supplements, losing weight and strength training.
If your Man boobs are like this, maybe you should consider keeping them
2. Exercise for Man boobs
Check out the following exercises to get rid of man boobs.

3. Gynecomastia Surgery
You might also want to go for a gynecosmatia surgery. Man boobs surgery costs between $1000-$50000.

4. Appearance Management
Wearing a gynecomastia garment would help manage the appearance of the man boobs, this is just like using duct tape which some guys do.