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Friday 10 January 2014

Foods that help you lose Weight

Foods that help lose weight.
Okay, you could Google this topic and see a lot of posts spring up, all naming foods that they copied from the site ranking above them. It’s all the same. I have never been fat and would never be, but you don’t have to be fat to lose weight. Around the age of 20, I noticed I started having some extra flesh in the right places and I liked it. I later found out it was due to slower metabolism with increasing age aided by living a sedentary lifestyle. Like everyone else or maybe not some fat slobs. I started becoming conscious of my weight. My jeans became tighter and so I decided to hit the gym. The gym  made my body a little firm not necessarily shed weight. I realized I needed way more energy level to be able to achieve anything in the gym. I needed to exercise pass the pain to make the protruding gut go away. That I couldn’t do. I also discovered that the major step in losing weight is changing your diet, becoming calorie conscious while understanding the concept of a calorie not being a calorie and just doing basic caridio.I  then went on to the internet, searching blog after blog to find foods that would whisk the fat away and make me all muscle. I ate a lot of thrash but later found out the foods that help lose weight really. First of all, this foods would not take you from a pathetic 50 stone to a miraculous 10 stone, that would require some drastic measures. This would simply help you lose a couple pounds here and there and fit into clothes better.

1. Lemon.

Stop Drinking any form of flavoured water and all the other gimmicks the foods industry in putting out. Instead get lemons, squeeze them with a juice extractor  and mix them with your water. Take this fresh lemon water first thing every morning and every time you drink water, which should be a lot of times during the day. The barely ripe ones are better, taken with water to  reduce it’s acidity. Lime can also be substituted for lemon as lime is even called lemon in places like  Northern India(They also call tangerines ,oranges). The citron species, the ones with very rough skin seems to work better.

2. GrapeFruit

Grape fruit also ranks among the foods that help you lose weight. It has a low glycemic index which can  help the body’s metabolism burn fat. When you want to take fruits, it’s advisable to take grapefruits, there are a whole lot of fruits that can do a lot of harm to humans. Fruits such as apples for example that are made to pass through crude forms of treatment in the breeding stages. Organic fruits are the only ones that give you all the benefits that is acclaimed to fruits. Some fruits are just a bunch of chemical wastes and toxic materials, thanks to the food industry.

3. Green Tea

You would also need to get a good one that hasn’t been sweetened or had other additives in it’s mix. I recently bought a cold green tea  which was basically little taste of some thing like green tea mixed with carbonated water, sugar and all the crap in soda. The best kinds of green tea are the ones you brew yourself, second best option are green tea bags.

4. Garcinia Cambogia.

Garcinia cambogia is the new food  that can help you lose weight as  endorsed by Dr OZ. It has a remarkable fat burning and fat blocking action but is not recommended for  pregnant  women, or people suffering from dementia or Alzheimer’s.  There are a lot of fake garcina cambogia taking over the market mostly coming from china. So you have to be sure of your retailer and not buy something that’s gonna kill you.