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Friday 29 November 2013

I Just Got Fired.

I Just Got fired!. I never thought this day would come, i never thought for a single day, i would be caught off guard with a sack letter. The Job sucks no doubt and i had also started making plans to leave. I gave myself 9 months, by which time i would have received a promotion and immediately leave and use my new position as a leverage for the new job i would be seeking., but i was wrong and i had miscalculated. Working in sales can be very tasking especially when you are selling a bad product. In training school, we were taught to be able to sell refrigerators to Eskimos but in the real sense, to do that, you would have to be dealing with a stupid Eskimo, lying that you are  selling a refrigerator which doubles as a heater or duping an Eskimo. In the real world, there are bad products, bad managements and utterly useless companies. The company wasn't posting much profit due to huge poor business decisions made by management staff in the past and the firing was inevitable. I was stupid enough to think i could hang in there until the wheels come off literally.
Nothing happens to me without some kind of premonition. I know not to cross the road at certain times to avoid be run down by a bicycle and what not. I once had a premonition not to wear a shirt to class in my school days. Of course, i did and i was immediately mistaken for someone else by a crazy professor who sent me out of his office when i went to register his course. And just like every other time something crazy was going to happen, i had a premonition of this too.

It was a weird dream , i found myself in the office, only this time it looked like a junk yard where auto parts came to die. There was a lot of frenzy in the compound. Turns out the whole chaos was over a list that has just been pasted on the dusty wall, i immediately ran through it and found my full name. I couldn't tell what the list was about but i knew in that dream, it was bad,. So i tried to clean it out, i woke up still wiping the bed sheets.  That same morning, i dressed up for work , showed up , only to experience difficulty trying to log into my office portal. I was immediately told i was no longer in the office directory list of staff and should await my sack letter from my immediate boss. Of course , the poorly drafted letter was sent by mail within 15 minutes, to my boss who printed it out with the already ink starved printer and then handed it over to me, after doing some pep talk , of how "life gives you lemons  but you have got to make lemonades". During the whole speech, i couldn't get past the thought that people who were asked to leave the company were actually nominated and i was trying to guess who must have nominated me, my immediate boss or his boss who heads  the region in another state. I'm guessing the former and if that is true then this whole speech would be adding insult to injury and it would be well to simply walk out of the room and leave the fat bastard hanging, but i didn't , i was an epitome of an overdose of optimism, i felt things could still change, a mail could still be sent telling my boss it was all a mistake. I had just closed a good sale yesterday. But the nomination was done weeks before that time.

I just got fired and i'm still in a state of shock, clearing out my desk amidst the pity faces of my now former collegues. This was a job to make a living and it was leaving me before the planned date. Next time i get a job offer, i already know the questions to ask myself. There is no looking back now, the company would eventually function without me and the only thing i would be taking away is my saved income and a few good friends and how not to run a company. The feeling sucks, it does but it's a feeling worth experiencing , because at this point you understand how life works, your own personal worth and why you should never neglect the subtle signs of stress and pressure in a company, knowing when to hold them, when to fold them, when to run away and when to come out and play.