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Monday 14 October 2013


Male body odor elimination
Male body odor , male genital

Body odor is the scent given off when your body sweats and breaks down bacteria. Your body will always give off an odor because your body is always getting rid of toxins and bacteria. But the scent of your natural sweating is not actually that pungent. It becomes worse and therefore more noticeable with diet or heavy sweating. If you fail to bathe properly or your diet is heavy in spicy foods it will increase foul body odor. Your body will sweat all the time but the severity of the sweating can increase the scent you give off.


The most basic way to eliminate foul odor is to bath regularly with warm water and soap. If this is not enough to remove the scents left over by a day outside then scented soaps should be integrated. Soaps that have some form of scrub in them or are used in conjunction with a scrub brush can reach places and pores that would otherwise go unnoticed.


Another way to eliminate body odor is to use deodorant. While this may seem remedial not everyone remembers to put this on each day and when combined with lack of showering it often leads to something quite foul. Believe the Old Spice commercial as it is one of the deodorant that keeps everything smelling good. Some Anti-Perspirant & Deodorant also come with body heat activation.


Hair located in the areas where you sweat profusely will actually act as a trap. It will keep the odor coming off of your body inside of the hair where it will remain until you bathe. So if you are prone to heavy sweating under your arms that gives off a foul odor you may consider removing or trimming the hair that you have under your arms. If you sweat heavily on your chest and it gives off a foul odor it may be best to remove the hair or at least remove some of the hair. Once you do this it will allow your glands more room to breathe which will eliminate foul odor.  


The clothes you wear can also affect the severity of your body odor. In much the same way that hair traps bad odors your clothing can do the same. You may consider wearing clothing that allows for better evaporation of your sweat. Things that are natural fibers and allow your skin a chance to breathe is much better at eliminating foul odor than constricting clothes. Cotton or wool are very good choices. Of course it is important that you also wash your clothes regularly. If you wore a shirt in which you sweat heavily the previous day do not wear it again. Wash it first to eliminate any bad odors that have collected there.



You can change your body odor and severity of said odor by altering your diet. Certain foods can increase the foulness of your body odor including garlic and curry. Spicy foods will increase the pungent nature of your odor. You can reduce the amount of red meat you consume as well.
Cologne is great to wear but should not be used to mask your body odor. It should instead be used to enhance your natural smells. What many fail to realize about cologne or perfume is that they are not made for everyone. There is a wide variety of selections available because many people have a different natural odor. Their chemical make up and DNA are different and therefore some smells will work better than others. By speaking with a professional at the cologne counters you can test different smells and see which ones actually work with your natural make up.

                                     MALE FACIAL GROOMING