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Friday 30 August 2013

To be or not to be: Husband Shoots Wife.

To be or not to be: Husband shoots wife.
husband shoots wife
This incident has brought to light a dilemma that spouses of sick people may often face in their lives. It is the dilemma of "to be or not to be" when it comes to helping your spouse die. The controversy surrounding doctor assisted suicide has led to sick people with little hope of recovering finding other means of putting an end to their misery. This often leads to the dependence on spouses and close relatives to help put them to eternal sleep.
Such is the case of Ernest Chris chumbley, a south Kentucky man who is being held at the laurel county detention center for shooting his wife who until then was suffering from severe breast cancer and had few weeks or months to live. He fired two shots into her brain. Ernest and his wife Virginia had been married for 20 years until Virginia developed cancer, one of the many ways to die and started the journey of a slow excruciating death. Ernest watched his once lively wife, deteriorate everyday and  lose the sparkle in her eyes.

According to him, his wife had told him to end her pain which saw her gasping for air,every night . The neighbors attested to the fact  that they were once happily married but Virginia’s pain was keeping everybody up at night. He had initially refused and had told her that the only thing he had was what the doctors gave her, but she had insisted that he kill her
He allegedly obliged and shot her twice and then called 911. He was arrested when officials got into the house and found virginia’s dead body. He was booked for murder.
Most people think that  The only thing worse than suffering is watching someone you love suffer  and that if what he's saying is true, than this mercy killing may have been the only choice he believed he had. Others don’t think so, they claim if he truly loved his wife and she was suffering from cancer and couldn't bare the pain anymore and asked him to kill her...  No one would do it. According to a man he said, “ I will feel bad and wish I could be the one in pain instead of her but I don't think I can kill the woman I chose to spend the rest of my life with. I would lay beside her while she took her last breath but it wouldn't be me taking that breath away, it would be God.”

Some people are postulating that shooting her twice may be a sign of intent , which would make it more about him not being able to hold on any more than the wife requesting to be killed. The only thing here is that, there is no evidence to prove that she really wanted to be killed. There should have at least been a video or something to prove and using a gun was not the best way to kill someone you love. 

A woman said “There is nothing selfish about not wanting to take the love of your life’s last breath away. If my husband was suffering it would crush me completely but i couldn't bring myself to harm him and my husband would never put me in the position to make that decision he would gladly suffer until his time was up than scar me forever and make me throw my life away. The request for him to do this is what’s selfish if this is really why he killed her". It is a serious case of  "to be or not to be"