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Tuesday 13 August 2013

Foods That Make You Horny.

Foods that make you horny.
Foods that make you horny, Lifestyle
Sex is a beautiful thing, provided no one dies afterwards, #safe sex.The urge for sex however , otherwise known as being horny is not all that beautiful as it   (depending on one’s libido) can be overpowering, controlling and sometimes frustrating especially when there is no way of relieving such  sexual urges except to waste precious time on masturbation and Porn. Even if you have a willing participant, spending the rest of your life having sex would put you on the same class as the bonobos.

Animals in the wild who don’t have to go to school, look for a job, pay bills , eliminate male genital odor or whiten their teeth don’t even have sex all the time. Mating leaves them vulnerable to predators, and doing it 'just for pleasure' wastes valuable time which would have been otherwise used to hunt, or  watch the sun set.
 It is safest to be horny when you can be satisfied and have so much time in between. There are some foods that make you horny all the time ,turning you into a raging bull  waiting for a prey. Worse still, is being part of a society that doesn’t put any allowance for being horny. Just ask the unmarried men in Asia who have to wait to be wooed by a prospective bride and have no avenue to discharge their batteries even when it is being constantly charged by these foods, the media and their sick genes. Here are foods that make you horny.

1. Banana:

Foods that make you horny, Lifestyle

There is a reason why monkeys, chimpanzees and bonobos are always horny and a chimp is more likely to rape you than to kill you. Bananas!. A substance called bromelain is responsible for this. Bromelain has libido boosting properties and banana also contains potassium which aids muscle strength and super-intense  orgasmic contractions. You might also be blown by Nang Tani, some kind of female Thai ghost that haunts banana tress. The effect of bananas however do not even come close to the effect  of devouring a tiger’s penis prepared in traditional Chinese cuisine for  male stamina and animalistic bed skills. Are you still wondering why the Chinese are a billion and over?.

2. Water Melon:

Foods that make you horny, Lifestyle

There is also a reason why the insides of a watermelon is pink and wet. Watermelon is one of the foods that make you horny. It contains phytonutient citrulline boosting the amount of nitric oxide in the body which mimics the effect of sildenafil (Viagra), relaxing blood vessels and speeding up circulation, soon you would  be all pinky and wet and ready to go. For a prefect boost , you are better off eating leaf cutter ants given to newly weds in ancient south America.

3. Avocados:

Foods that make you horny, Lifestyle
Avocados and asparagus also ranks among foods that make you horny, they boost hormones like testosterone in men,  estrogen in women and progesterone which helps  vaginal lubrication, and makes you horny. Avocados not only help you lose weight , they also boost your sex drive, although not in the same way as the Philippines  Malunggay Herbal Tea does.

4. Garlic:

Foods that make you horny, Lifestyle

 Garlic inflames the passions. There is a reason why Tibetans monks are  forbidden from entering their monastery after eating garlic.( Reverend Fathers  should take a cue from this). Garlic aids blood flow and healthy circulation  from one part of your body to the parts that are needed for shagging. The devout Hindus in India don’t use garlic for food preparation during festivals while the others just eat it like it’s a snack and then have to deal with  constantly being horny and guess who bears the consequence. The  females , in just the same way Turtles are endangered in Florida because turtle eggs are believed to be the best aphrodisiacs by Mexicans.

5. Oysters: 

Foods that make you horny, Lifestyle

Oysters is the king of aphrodisiac causing a huge spike in testosterone and estrogen in women due to the zinc properties in this foods. Oysters  is one of the major foods that make you horny. They come from the sea and everything in the sea including the sea itself  is horny.A tsunami is just the sea trying to rape land and everything on it, when it can no longer hold itself. Mixing a cobra’s blood with alcohol and downing it , done in Vietnam and china would literally put the sea in your veins. Oysters can be very tricky though, if not well cleaned as some of the substances it absorbs into it's body from the sea  can be toxic for your sex drive cancelling out the zinc properties which makes you horny.

6. Red wine:

Foods that make you horny, Lifestyle

Red Wine is good for your heart, Likewise  sex . Red wine contains resveratrol, which boasts blood flow and improves circulation, providing a suitable atmosphere for sex. The same way a Spanish fly juice does.

7. Coconut water

young coconut water makes you horny

Young coconut Water, (not the processed one) would make you horny. This right here, apart from helping to regulate your appetite, make your skin glow and relieve you of toxins, would send your sex hormones running wild. This becomes noticeable after downing about 3 full ones. In some parts of the world , it is often referred to as the sex milk.

                             RELATED: FOODS THAT CAUSE ACNE
Other noteworthy foods that make you horny are chocolates, salmons and walnuts, fenugreek seeds, hot chillies, pomengranates, vanilla, Honey, pumpkin seeds, Olives and even figs. Laying off all these foods that make you horny would still not guaranty that you would still not be horny, because being horny is a natural thing and you may just have the sick horny genes that makes you horny all the time, that way you just have to live with yourself or make your erection( or stimulation) your direction.

                             FOODS THAT PREVENT YOU FROM BEING HORNY