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Tuesday 27 August 2013

Does Masturbation Cause Pimples and Acne?

masturbation, masturbation side effects, Health, Pimples cure
Does Masturbation cause Acne and Pimples?

Okay, saying Masturbation causes acne or pimples sounds like something the Mormon church would tell it’s teenagers as one of the many side effects of masturbation along with death. It sounds so ridiculous that it is often dismissed by everyone who hears it. 
masturbation, masturbation side effects, Health, Pimples cureMasturbation remains as controversial as much more serious issues like doctor-assisted suicide, porn, premarital sex, abortion, fur wearing and animal cloning.It is often said to be a destructive habit but yet others believe it makes the world go round or go numb depending on the way you see it. Now Masturbation has been “rumored” to cause acnes  pimples , blackheads among other skin blemishes in Males. Alongside Junk food, poor hygiene, wrong use of cosmetics, hormonal disorders, masturbation is also contesting for a spot on the numerous causes of acne.

 A random wanker attested to the fact that he only got a smooth perfect face after  quitting masturbation. Before that, he had quit junk food , changed to the Paleo Diet,(some kind of combination of silly meals presumed to have been eaten by cavemen,2.5 million years ago) and followed most of the advice given on how to cure pimples to which he saw a remarkable improvement , only to experience breakouts after waxing the brass candle stick.

masturbation, masturbation side effects, Health, Pimples cure
Pimples are coming.-----is that a cat?
Masturbation may cause pimples and acne if it creates an hormonal imbalance in the body. Meaning, if there is a surge of testosterone when you engage in the act and of course there is, hormones would come out and play. If the person in question had a lot of breakouts during puberty ( which is the major period where your hormones are literally going crazy), then there may be a slight chance of having breakouts again when there is a testosterone surge from masturbation. But that would also mean that you would have breakout with every testosterone inducing activity like heavy weight lifting, sleep and some airhead activity like popping steroids, some say it’s true (probably 5% of people).
Masturbation leads to ejaculation (except you are a creep) and ejaculation leads to loss of Zinc , Calcium and Magnesium which would have made you a better person. Zinc especially is closely related to pimples and acne. Zinc deficiency is also a cause of pimples and acne as it helps regulate the skin’s oil glands which might block the pores and cause pimples and acne when overproduction sets in. Zinc plays an important role in overall skin health, and it may also treat eczema, psoriasis, dandruff, burns and boils. It also helps skin wounds heal faster.  


And your penis pudding has about 16mg of Zinc per 100ml rendered homeless and useless with every shoot.It would be safe to say in some cases masturbation does cause acne and pimples, that is not to say the guy with his face plastered with pimples and acne is a chronic wanker and this is not to say he isn’t.
masturbation, masturbation side effects, Health, Pimples cure
That is way too much zinc

A grumpy young man  claims he heard a theory  that where foreplay and penetration is achieved the puddings lost through ejaculation is immediately replaced by the fluids secreted inside the vagina so you don’t lose anything and instead gain a baby. But masturbation on the other hand leaves you in a lose-lose situation. No zinc, no baby,and intense depression ahead.

 Mr know it all went further to say that” Personally I think males should give up masturbation and build a relationship instead. It affects more the mind than the body for me.” And he would know because the douchebag belongs to the no-Fap group of ex-wankers who have discovered that masturbation causes pimples and acne and have decided to be indifferent to the plus benefits of masturbation.