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Wednesday 29 May 2013


addicted to porn, Lifestyle
Just so we’re clear, I’m not  addicted to porn nor am I a porn addict. I have the whole of the American psychiatric association backing me up on this, "porn addiction doesn't exist  but the heavy use of porn." They also happen to be the association that deals with people with chemical imbalance in the brain. Why would I say I’m not addicted to porn, when I spend quality time viewing porn daily, I have porntime which is immediately after lunchtime on weekends and before prayertime on weekdays. I am not Addicted to Porn because  everyday  I tell myself I can quit it if I really wanted to.   
It starts with the lure of visual stimulation or as  would call it, "the morality in all form of media" but  how can you pass over a girl taking off her underwear for no reason and revealing intimate parts of herself, you can literally see her ovaries. Of course, I can’t be addicted to porn because I never fail to judge them and imagine what kind of lives they have lived previously that had made them embrace the decision to engage in porn.
Porn becomes  a necessity for me when I feel the need to  stop my brain from thinking . I have the attention span of a jelly fish, so my brain gets worked up a lot, but porn much more that television or alcohol completely numbs my brain , the exact medication I need.  Okay, maybe there are indeed people addicted to porn but according  to research, these people must have had childhood trauma, anxiety , depression , personality disorder or social phobia. The only childhood trauma I had was that my parents loved and cared for me too much , somedays  I wanted to  poke my eyeballs with bicycles spokes and I was constantly falling into depression because I had everything I needed and was raised to be successful and hardworking and I was so social phobic that I always went out of  the house that built me to look for friends . All the reasons why I know I ‘m not addicted to porn.

The inability to find a real life partner, sexual boredom in my relationships and the shame of sexual difficulties like male genital odor may have led me to becoming addicted to porn, but I would have to suffer from those issues to start with.
This is not a knee jerk reaction to the accusation of being addicted to porn when I was made to realize that I have paid for internet porn and found myself viewing porn at a funeral or skipped work in general just to enjoy some more porn time and no longer see the need to hide my porn from friends. No!
addicted to porn, Lifestyle
No, i'm not watching porn, it's just an online relationship
And porn is not my way of acting out any suppressed fantasy or fetish or my crack cocaine to sex addiction. I’m just one of the 20 Million internet heavy porn users in the U.S alone.
Okay, porn is needed for beating off  even though  I suddenly lose interest in the material after waxing the brass candle stick, but since porn leads to masturbation , the desire to jerk off also  leads to the hunt for porn.That is why, it is often said that the way to lose interest in porn is by seizing to masturbate to it. The hunt involving scanning through tons of sleazy stuff to find that right material that can make you ride the quarter horse,  the hunt takes more time everytime because repeat actions are not pleasant  and a higher stimulation or dose is needed to join the mile high club and then the cycle  continues . 
My wang would have to take out a restraining order on my hand.
When I track the amount of time used in waxing the brass candlestick,Megabytes spent on traffic junky and relationship strains it has caused, I pick interest in harm reduction approach but immediately dismiss it because I am not addicted to porn. When I am ready I would get a blocking software, train my mind not to act on compulsion and relapse wouldn’t be an option because that’s only for those addicted to porn and loathing it.