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Saturday 2 March 2013


fired teacher from christian college,Teri james
Teri James
Teri James is months pregnant, expecting a bundle of joy. She couldn't be more excited and ecstatic.  She had always wanted a baby of her own. She gradually prepared everyday reading books like "what to expect when you are expecting" and registering for ante natal care. She was thrilled. 

The only problem is she works at San Diego Christian College in El Cajon where   the school has put in place a clear doctrinal position that all employees must adhere to. The school mandates that all job candidates sign a "community covenant" before they are hired, which explicitly states that all employees will "abstain from sexually immoral behavior, including pre-marital sex, adultery, pornography and homosexuality."

The San Diego Christian College is by no means the first Christian institution to enforce biblical ethics on employees to maintain its integrity. In 2008 Shorter University enforced a new policy called the Personal Lifestyle Statement, which explicitly forbade pre-marital sex, adultery, and homosexual behavior. In that case, although a number of employees became disgruntled about the new policy, it was found to be completely legal in the state of Georgia.

 Now Teri James has been fired from the job because she obviously didn't take the covenant seriously. She however did not take the feat lying down , she went ahead and sued the school, claiming that it was indeed gender discrimination, even though she was informed that she was being fired not because she was pregnant but because she had engaged in premarital sex. She claimed that there was no check for men in the same school and men couldn't get pregnant  and she went further to claim that her boyfriend had since being offered a job in the same college.

James was reportedly fired from the Christian college four months ago, where she had been employed as a financial aid specialist.
She claims that her employers were satisfied with her work until they learned of her pregnancy out of wedlock.
James, who is currently six months pregnant, revealed her lawsuit at a press conference in California in mid-February, stating that she is suing the university due to discrimination by gender, pregnancy, and marital status. She claimed, "San Diego Christian College did not show any mercy or grace towards me, and acted completely un-Christ-like. They made more of a business decision than showing God's love."

                                    LIES ABOUT SEX

This has since received mixed feelings with some strong  comments like,
“Even though I am a Christian, I think such contracts and actions by the college is a poor attempt to look good in the eyes of man rather than good in the eyes of God. It is not an employer's place to dictate how an employee lives their lives outside of the job. Christian employers should lead by example, not by an iron scepter. I am not condoning the young lady's actions but only that if you will fire someone for one sin, you are a hypocrite if you do not fire someone for any sin. And we wonder why people question the motives of our faith when we act in such disregard all for the sake of looking pious in the eyes of all mankind “
 which critisied the college policies


"I guess the young lady forgot to read her employee handbook and assumed that her personal life wouldn't be scrutinized. You had a moral obligation when you signed up for the job yet you want to sue because?"
"Careful how you use the term "lady" ". Another person had immediately fired back
 and this one
"Private Christian Institutions can dictate policy. Don't like it, don't go there. End of story."

which basically insinuates that  the woman  is not a lady and is presently carrying out a stupid activity.
Yet another had this to say

“It is not in your power nor the school's power to pass judgement against her. To do so is a mortal sin, far worse than fornication. She has been tempted by the flesh, but you and the college have been corrupted by the belief that you are as worthy to pass judgement as God is. You and the people at the college who dismissed this girl rather than forgiving and helping her, as is your earthly duty as commanded by God and Jesus Christ, are blasphemers. Beg for forgiveness on your knees “
we think we all just need to do the right thing at all times.

Culled from