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Sunday 24 February 2013


Beauty has been an important issue right from the days of the Bible. In fact right from the existence of man. Everything God made is beautiful to him, but some men have separated some things as beautiful and some things as not so beautiful, the criteria for beauty varies everyday from beauty pageants to personal perception. There is also the saying “beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. Beauty was a major factor in choosing queens and female rulers in the bible days.


Beauty comes from God   (good genes,natural foods and good climate, skin care,beauty treatments). .

It is given to some as a door opener i.e their beauty has a lot to do with their destiny and it is given to some as a reward, for good doing or kind heartedness.

Beauty is both physical and internal, it has been said time and time that when you have a good heart, it has a way of reflecting on your face, the best description of beauty is given in the most romantic book ever written by king Solomon, called song of Solomon in chapter 4, verse 1 to 7, “how beautiful you are my darling? Oh how beautiful, it went on to describe every physical feature from her eyes, mouth, lips, temples and breast and ended by saying there is no flaw in you. That is the perfect beauty, still in that same book,  we see that a  certain skin colour was despised in chapter 1 verse 5, “dark am I, yet lovely, o daughters of Jerusalem, dark like the tent of kedar, do not stare at me because I am dark, because I am darkened by the sun.” Meaning that beauty to some are actually superficially based on skin colour and the writer was trying to correct that notion. We would take the beautiful women in the bible (to be on a level ground) one at a time according to their perceived beauty by historic scholars .

beautiful women, beauty
Well, some of us believe that this is beautiful, the others   not so much..
· VASHTI:  She was the queen, the wife of King Xerxes and she was lovely to look upon, she was the most beautiful women in the whole kingdom and she was also powerful, the only thing that got her to the highest post of leadership was her beauty, she was like a tourist attraction, like a gift to nature, she was like a God, some  scholars have said that she was even more beautiful than Esther. Beauty in itself cannot stand alone, the only thing the king needed her for ,was to showcase her beauty . Beauty can take you places but it can’t sustain you.

· SARAI: She was a very beautiful woman, she was loyal to her husband and listened to her husband, she was very submissive and obedient. When the Egyptians saw her, she was praised to pharaoh, she was ageless and  timeless, at 75 she was married by pharaoh. Her beauty was a gift from God as a preservative for the bearing of children in old age. Her beauty brought favour and blessing to her husband and family.

· REBECCA:  She was also very beautiful,  her unique criteria was the fact that she was a virgin, it was stated along with her beauty, it was also discovered that she knew the way of God, she knew the mind of God, that is why she went all the way to ensure that Jacob got the blessing because she was a woman of vision, right from the time she was to be married to Isaac, she did everything in line with the prophesy that was given to Isaac, she appeared at the right time, she went out of her way to feed all the animals. She was  beautiful, but she had so many other things to sustain the beauty, her beauty caused an attraction, but her character and obedience to the leading of the spirit sustained the attraction and made it grow.

· ESTHER: She was also very beautiful , and she had brains too, she won the first beauty pageant ever,  she listened to advice , she did not lean on her own understanding, she was subject to twelve months of beauty treatments which included oil of myrrh and six months of perfumes and cosmetics. She was well mannered ,so she got all her supplies on time.This emphasizes the need for good and natural cosmetics not harsh skin damaging chemicals for skin bleaching and whitening that you have today. She understands that there is a purpose for everything, she had the understanding that beauty can only go so far, so she depended not on all her beauty, but on knowledge, understanding, wisdom and the power of God , and that brought power to her and influence, she knew how to channel her beauty, when she was to appear before the king she took care of herself while others were fasting for her and when the king saw her, she was highly favoured, her beauty was a tool she was able to use because of her understanding. Beauty can be a very good tool

beautiful women, beauty
My beauty is a tool for you to read this post
· BATHSHEBA:  She was also very beautiful, but was very foolish, when her husband went to war, all she thought of doing  was to go out and have a public bathe, she also went ahead to defile herself with the king, though she was wise enough to cleanse herself after the shameful act, her beauty led to the death of her husband, the birth and death of a bastard and was a major influence in the polygamous life of King Solomon. Her beauty was like a sword in the hand of a toddler. 

· JEZEBEL:  Jezebel’s beauty was controversial. Her beauty was totally unnatural and due to cosmetic enhancements, she was the originator of beauty enhancements and her beauty was regarded as deceptive. She also became a husband manipulator, and an idol worshipper, her beauty was always used to manipulate but it finally failed when the prophets refused to look at her but threw her down.

· TAMAR:   Tamar is the daughter of King David. She was said to be extremely beautiful but her beauty was a burden to her. It got her raped by her own step brother Absalom. She became a destitute, with no one willing to marry her.  Her beauty was of no benefit to her, it only brought her shame , pain and disgrace and eventually led to a lot of blood shed and death. Beauty sometimes can indeed be a curse.

· Karen and her sisters: Karen was one of the daughters of Job, and God gave them such beauty as a honour for their father job’s good deeds and he made sure they were the most beautiful in the land.This particular instance casts a new light on beauty as a reward for good deeds.

Read:Biblical Beauty: Ancient Secrets and Modern Solutions and Beauty Secrets of the Bible