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Friday 11 January 2013


catch me if you can
If men ,guys and even boys are always hitting on you (chasing you) for sex ,you should ask yourself a basic question, “am I doing anything to encourage them?”.

Below are some reasons why the opposite sex may be constantly hitting on you for sex

1.You are sexually attractive:  A man may see your beauty and connect it to sex, but you can make him see you differently when he comes close to you, by shifting their focus from your body to your mind. When you develop your mind, you would be worth much more than a sexual attraction to men, you are sexually attractive i.e seen only as useful for sex if you are just beauty and no brains. A beautiful woman who takes the pains to develop and release her God-given potentials set herself apart from the stereotype. When guys become interested and get close and listen to her, she will win their respect by her intelligent and meaningful contribution, that would gradually reduce the constant chasing for sex.
2.You come across as weak willed: it is a natural law that people would gradually move more to the area of least resistance , if you are always laughing and giggling when sexual issues are raised or going out of your way to impose care on the opposite sex or expressing unnecessary admiration on the opposite sex . it is immediately tagged by men ( who are designed to be more  sexually inclined by nature) that you are easy and so the pestering begins.
3.You dress for sex:  the first way to recognise a prostitute if you see one is by her dressing, their clothes are designed to attract, entice and seduce the men that are foolish enough to go to them. You have to realize that majority of the clothes we wear especially  are designed by men and women who don’t subscribe to Christian beliefs or values. As a rule , any cloth that cannot be worn to church if you are going to be on the stage should not be worn anywhere else. God has blessed us with wonderful shapes and figures which if exposed would not only attract the wrong crowd but undermine our professionalism, mental ability, skill and expertise. Dress like a woman leader.
4.You struggle with sexual thoughts: our thoughts are like a satellite that receives and sends out signals. If your mind is filled with sexual thoughts, you create a sexual magnetic field around you that causes the men around you who are inclined enough to pick such signals to chase you. You should check out the thoughts you encourage, meditate on and project, they may be part of the reason why you are constantly being pestered for sex. Ladies that spend their precious time reading romance novels which depict very graphic details of sex are creating an atmosphere of sex in and around them.
5.You are operating under a strange influence:  this could be as a result of foundational   issues and strongholds who are bent on sabotaging your life and destiny thereby bringing  “carnivorous “ men to derail you. For this you would need to go for deliverance to wash your head from attracting trouble to you, because with this influence your destiny, marriage would be in trouble.  
When men are chasing you left, right and centre for sex, it should not be taken as anaccomplishment instead you should look inward to solve the issue. 

Read:The Manipulative Man: Identify His Behavior, Counter the Abuse, Regain Control