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Monday 7 January 2013


not to marry, marriage mistakes, doomed from the start
The Wrong One.
Never Marry
It’s every girl’s dream to one day get married to that man that would make her  happy and  make her life better. Believe it or not, marriage is a big issue when it comes to a girl's life, no matter how successful she is or how indifferent she seems to    marriage, she wants it bad. The society, and even families have actually not made it any better. So ladies of a certain age begin to worry and become anxious about wearing a ring and walking the aisle in a white dress .In the process due to poor judgement and not hearing from God, some ladies have jumped into marriages that has brought about their downfall. For the single ladies, here is a list of men   though you  met them in church or at a charity event or at the hospital waiting on sick and deformed children  or that glorious place where only good guys go to , albeit well spoken and wealthy that you should never say I DO to.

smooth operator, charming gaze
The smooth operator- I had a vision just now and it was you.. 
This brother thinks he is God’s gift to women, he is calculating, well spoken ,tactical. A smooth operator. He goes about proposing to ladies  and convincing them,  it is a special mystical attraction, something beautiful , beyond you and I, and for the very spiritual ladies ,it is the will of God, only to go back on his word when he sees another lady he believes is better than the last one. He has a sugar coated tongue and can talk himself out of any situation. "It is you not me," " i just need sometime alone to get myself together", " i don't think, i am good enough for you",  Most times he even extorts money from the ladies , promising to give it back because his check has been delayed, his clients has not paid, his dog died or  in the name of God’s will. From such, run.

pervert, baby doll husband. rape
Pervert-OMG! No Drawers, what a naughty girl?.

 To the freakish and wayward lady he may appear fun to be with, he is always talking about sexually
related topics and cracking dirty jokes, he  indulges in pornographic materials, he believes women are meant to cook and be slept with only. He believes sex is a recreation, and so pays no mind to how many partners he has had, would ask for sex  before marriage and has no plans to buy a ring but prefers a live in lover and would simply  claim it is a test of compatibility.   Most of his friends are just like him, perverts!; they  would gather after work and talk about their many victorious conquests and if he eventually decides to marry , getting married to this brother would lead you down the path of heartbreak, misery, sin and disease 

mamas boy
Mama's boy-You are the only woman i would ever truly love
This mummy's boy is in most cases a carbon copy of his mother and is tied to her Apron. All decisions have to be made by his  mother, mummy said this, mummy said that, he would constantly compare you to his mother. You would soon discover that you are married to his mother. Why you should also never get married to a man who has no regard for his mother, don’t put yourself in the bondage of having a mother in law influenced marriage. This group also includes the weakling, who cannot put his foot down but would allow all members of his family treat his wife like a foot mat, seeing nothing wrong in the disrespect of his wife by his friends, and family alike. This kind of marriage is very heartbreaking as the wife might eventually lose all self esteem and worth or be in a constant battle with her own extended family.


the workaholic man
The workaholic Man
This brother is always chasing money at the expense of having good relationship with even his family members, in some cases he may be a nice man, but his priority is first any thing that brings money even at the expense of having a good relationship with anyone even God, you would constantly feel alone in that marriage and you would have the sole responsibility of raising your kids. He would give you money but money we know is not everything. Run from the workhaholic

lonely man
The lone ranger
This Man (lone Ranger) has issues with all his family members ,  his place of work and he does things solely on his own.He is his own mentor and he looks up to nobody, he rates himself by  himself for himself. This type of man is one of the most dangerous men to marry because your life, career,     vision, everything would be at his mercies. This kind of man also tend to be abusive because they are answerable to no one but themselves.

Dictating husband
The dictator
This brother is also close  to the lone ranger, he seems to be nice and considerate sometimes but afterwards you discover that the only opinion that counts is his. His words are louder than his actions. He has his whole life planned out and you are supposed to just fit in or there would be trouble, he sees your thoughts, ideas and opinions as inferior to his. He is a vision killer. marrying you would just be something on his bucket list, then you would also need to fulfill another , which is all what he believes and wants you to be to him. He is simply a dictator not a husband.This kind of man would also occasionally hit his wife or fiancee.( Let abuse be a tie breaker in whatever relationship you are in).Sometimes this brother comes around with a  drinking addiction, or drug habit. From such flee.

Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts: Seven Questions to Ask Before and After You Marry

The Lazy man
The Lazy man
This brother is slow, always inactive ,prefers to be fed in Bed, has no focus, or clearly cut goals, has a non -chalant attitude  to everything around, finds it difficult to  keep his house, his clothes or even his car clean, tends to be disorganized and clumsy, this  lazy drone needs just about 3 helps not a wife.

The Hypocrite.
8.BROTHER FOR SHOW: This brother lives in the “notice me” world, he can do anything for people as long as it is in public and people would like him at the expense of his own family, or even himself. This is the kind of man that can take his female colleague or boss to the grocery store or Main markets to buy things while his own wife or family member would take a cab. He goes to clean other peoples’ yard  while his  is dirty because he wants to be seen and respected by the public. You would be better off being the public to this brother than being his family member.

 Love  is patient  and kind but not blind. Pray for the right man for you and also open your eyes and did we also forget to mention that only the right lady finds the right man.

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                         8 LADIES TO NEVER MARRY